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Dear Friend
G’vanim (Hebrew for “hues” of the rainbow) is BCC's quarterly online magazine with a fall issue after the High Holidays, a winter issue after Hanukkah, a spring issue after Purim and Passover, and a summer issue after Pride Month (June). It reports on major BCC events, showcases the accomplishments of our congregation, reflects larger trends in our communal life, and perhaps provides a forum for discussion of relevant topics of interest to the Jewish and LGBTQIA community.
We welcome you to contribute! Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing: Have you recently attended an amazing (virtual) event or art exhibit? Did you read a book or watch a TV show that everyone should know about? Do you have an idea for a new column? Do you think your bubbe has the best rugelach recipe? Are you a poet or graphic artist? Please be in touch, we can't wait to hear from you!
Please follow the submission guidelines below:
  • Articles should be more than 500 words, letters to the editor can be shorter 
  • Topics should have some relation to BCC or the Jewish and LGBTQIA world (see above for some ideas.)
  • Please do not write about officeholders, candidates, or general international, national, state, or local political issues.  
  • Be respectful of anyone you reference, directly or indirectly, by name or anonymously.   
  • Please do not advertise any product or service in an article or letter (we may consider selling ad space).  
  • Submissions should be sent by email to the editorial team at [email protected] as a Word attachment, in the body of the email, or as a Google doc.  
  • Include your name and phone number.  
  • All submissions will be proofread and edited for length, clarity, style, and tone.
  • Note: Late submissions may not be considered for publication. 
The deadline for the Winter issue is Monday, January 31. 

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Larry Nathenson & Jessica Donath

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