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September 25, 2022 10:15AM

A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

... from kneel and your team;

Our church community is grateful for your ongoing support - your continued tithing of Time, Talents and Treasures! Please consider your ongoing - prayerful contributions, when and if you are able...   

Gratefully, kneel and Company 

- You are the reason we remain -

Unity Center of(for) Peace ...

May we always be together in Spirit.

Sunday Message ~ Rev. Terry Dearmore

Special Music:

Spirit and Rev. Terry

Following Service
Fellowship Via Zoom -with "Tell me Something Good" + announcements and prayer requests
Upcoming Speaker and Musician Schedule

We look forward to the following speakers and musicians:

2022 ...

Sept. 4, Mary Shapiro

Sept. 11, Donna Cary

Sept. 18, Linda George

Sept. 25, Rev. Terry Dearmore

October 2, John Giunta

October 9, Leon Long

October 16, Linda George

October 23, Donna Cary

October 30, Rev. Bill Wilson

Contact Neil Goodman if you are interested in speaking or performing for Unity Center of Peace. 

Rev. Terry Dearmore ~

September 25, 2022 @10:15AM

Come in at 10 AM to chat

Neil will be our meeting host this Sunday.

Contact Neil Goodman:  [email protected] 

- if you need help with your Zoom connection

  Meeting ID: 653 779 1306
  Password: 041081

View the Sunday Messages section of our website for previous years of ZOOM recordings!
2020 recordings + 2021 & 2022 on Neil's YouTube Channel -- -- no passcode required
or visit "Messages"

We are community. We are family. We are here to support you.
Keep These People in Your Prayers
When we pray for a person, we pray not to God, but from a consciousness of God. In this consciousness, we see the wholeness and beauty and blessings already available to the person, and we use our prayers to affirm, acknowledge and give thanks for this Truth about the situation.
 ~ Mary-Alice and Richard Jafolla
Keep these people in mind during your times of prayer and mediation,
our Heart's 💚 are with you:  

Unity Center of Peace

Unity of Fairfax

Unity of Springfield

Unity for America ❤️ 🙏 





our Family (ies)...


Jack's Family

Nevin's Family

our Brothers and Sisters in Afghanistan

the people of Ukraine and Russia

Terry's Family

Theresa and the Thoden Family



the Tomastik Family

Virginia and the Buersmeyer Family

Tracy and Wendy

Marni, Danny, Eli, Grady and Family

Louise and Chuck



Dr. Zelenko






Paula's Family

Margaret's Family

Cindy's Family

Jack and Sophia



Marni and Family

Connie and Jerome









Nathan and Brenda


Nevin and Family








Norm's Family

Kathleen Hunter

For more than 125 years, Silent Unity has been praying with and for people throughout the world. Whatever your prayer need, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation... ACIM; 'If you knew Who walks beside you on the way that you have chosen, fear would be impossible', Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 91

For prayer, also call Silent Unity: 816-969-2000

Tithes and Offerings
Please use our Donate Button on our website
Checks can be sent to our Treasurer, Jane Maddocks

Unity Center of Peace
c/o Jane Maddocks
10240 Hendley Rd. Apt 132
Manassas, VA 20110

Divine love, flowing through us, blesses and multiples all that we are, 
all that we have, all that we give, and all that we receive. 
We are richly, bountifully, and beautifully prospered 
in every good way. So it is and so we let it be.

We are so very grateful for the ongoing support of our Membership and Spiritual Community
... our sincere UNITY blessings and congratulations to a wonderful Teacher, Linda

Success with your exciting newer version AND updated link: coming soon!

Healing: My Pilgrimage with Tagore, India's Revered Teacher
Linda L George Ph.D.
A retired clergy person, with over 30 years of experience in civilian and military chaplaincy, explores her own grief experiences, including the deaths of two husbands, as well as reflections on myriad other losses everyone suffers. The author shares how we can easily relate to the sorrows of the Nobel Prize-winning poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). His life and writings are strikingly relevant today and offer heartfelt messages of hope and strength.
For more information and to order: (-new link TBD)
Healing our World
To our Church family - from kneel…
…some words from the Heart, from one of your brothers- not an ‘elected’ one, not your spiritual guide, just me (-and yes, once again, highly opinionated ‘stuff’!) --

You’ve heard me say before how sad it is to observe the ways in which we (the U.S. along with many other nations?) have removed God from our universities and schools, governments, courts, businesses, homes and even from some of our church’s. I believe that now is the time for many to re-evaluate our relationship with God. Unity professes that there are many Paths to God, many Names for God. I still hold that to be true. I’m also saddened that I have prayed so little in my life – for many people, countries, Peace, etc., when, on some level, I feel that God is always listening.

If there was ever a time to call up the ‘Prayer Warriors’ (not worriers), it’s now. Many have personal experience with the incredible power of prayer, me included. Some in our community have shared their experiences. We all have an idea of what we would like to see happen in the World… So, how do we put those thoughts, visions and words into our conversations with God?  

Here's some advice I read recently from Dr. Charles Stanley… I hope this is helpful.

“…obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. In order to obey God, you must know what He wants you to do. That means time in prayer and His Word should be a priority in your life. Next, you must trust Him to handle whatever happens as a result. One of the biggest obstacles to obeying God is fear of the outcome. We want to know what’s being set in motion so we can decide whether we want to proceed. But that’s not how the Lord works.”

“God alone knows the future, and He calls us to trust Him and walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). It takes courage to obey when you don’t know the outcome and that is exactly what God wants to build in our lives. Our responsibility is to step out in faith and obedience, knowing that the Lord holds us and the future in his omnipotent Hand. He’s responsible for the outcome and will use it for His purpose and glory, even if it’s not at all what we had hoped for or expected.”

“…God is in absolute control of every circumstance of life. This is foundational to our success with the first principle. If we don’t trust that the Lord is sovereign over the results of our obedience, we have a good reason not to do what He says. But Romans 8:28 says, “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Do we feel ‘a calling’ at this point in our lives? I believe I know how some of you feel- about the Bible, its origins, world politics and how you approach this Path we are sharing together. The previous paragraphs are food(organic?) for thought. I know that Ukraine is more than just on our minds currently, along with the future of our nation and World. I would ask that we collectively, hold all in our hearts along with Terry, Natasha and her son. May we pray to the Lord for His Will to be done.

 -from a member of the “Unity Center of(for) Peace” …kneel
Native American wisdom
For our Earth
Creator, Great Spirit, whose voice we hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear us. We ask for strength and wisdom. Let us walk in beauty and make our eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make our hands respect the things that you have made and our ears sharp to hear your voice. Make us wise so that we may understand the things you have taught our peoples. Let us learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and in every rock.
We seek strength, not to be greater than our brothers and sisters, but to fight perhaps our greatest enemy… ourselves. Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes so that when life fades, as the fading sunset, our spirit may come to you without shame. Oh Great Spirit, thank you for your love which flows through us now. Thank you for all that we are, for all that we have, for all that we give, for all that we receive.    In Harmony and Balance, Aho
Native American wisdom
A prayer for the Earth, offered by Chief Sun Bear
We pray at this time for all our brothers and sisters, for all our relations, for all our relationships, past present and future.
We pray for the two-legged’s, the four-legged’s, the kingdoms of the oceans and seas, the flying kingdoms, the plant kingdoms, the little crawling ones.
We pray that we may all learn how to center ourselves in such a way that we may take an active part in the healing of the Earth Mother and in restoring the Balance. And that we may all learn how to walk in balance upon the Earth Mother, in a true way.
We ask at this time that we may take the lessons we have been given and the energies we have experienced and shared and use them all in a powerful manner as we take back our true power and walk together, healing each other and the Earth.
This is what we ask
  In Harmony and Balance

*Please keep praying for our World

no matter the circumstances, all is well with my soul

Learn more at:

Our Guiding Prayer

In this holy moment, I pause to breathe and open. I open my mind to know the nature of God and my divine nature. I open my heart to experience the silent yet certain reality of infinite life, love, and creativity. 
No matter what is happening at any moment, in the world around me or within my experience, I am not subject to its effects. In fact, I am not my circumstances or my experiences. I am wholly divine, and all is well with my soul.
I sink into the still waters, the state of perfect peace, where nothing can interrupt or displace the flow of life, love, and creativity. In this state of awareness, I rest. I renew. I blossom. I thrive.
Steeped in joyful appreciation, I celebrate my ever-expanding capacity to know that all is well with my soul. I choose to live, love, and create well.

And so it is.

Happy Holidays 🙏
from Unity Center of Peace in Northern Virginia

...ok, we know Christmas has passed, but not the Christmas Spirit! This is who we are, 'year-round'. Besides, we love our little hats!

So, once again: A warm, safe, healthy, happy
New Year to all

A Special New Year's message:

Hello, and welcome to Flight #2022 ...
We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose Altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach up and pull down a Prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. GOD, our Captain, has cleared us for 'Departure'...

– Author Unknown

*ATTENTION: Masks are optional however, free will allows us to wear one if we choose. Additionally, if we should experience turbulence, know that it may be because 'Time-flies'. The good news... we're not the Pilot !

Happy New Year 🙏
World Headquarters at Unity Village * 816.524.3550 ...

"Letting go feels good and immediately
lightens my spirit. I release all burdens
that weigh me down. I let go of feelings
that bind me to the past. I feel healed in my mind, body, and soul. I am ready to move forward with a light and peaceful heart."

The Unity Burning Bowl Ceremony
offers you a chance to set old burdens free
and move forward with a peaceful heart.
It's a perfect way to begin the year ahead feeling lighter and more energized.

Please join us and release what is no longer serving you - with these simple steps:
  1. Relax and become still.
  2. Allow your heart to tell you what to release.
  3. Write down what you choose to let go.

Note: UNITY World Headquarters will be conducting their Burning Bowl Ceremony on January 5th, 2022 *Note: If you missed the 5th, it's never too late to create your own Ceremony ...
Additional steps;
4. Tear up your 'let-go' list,
5. Write down what you choose to manifest in 2022 ...

...and did we mention, Happy New Year
Tell Me Something Good
Member Comments after service... a time to share what's on your mind;
Things to share from our Sunday Services:

  • Patti for those interested: Deck-work; Maurice Landrey, neighbor: (540) 671-5181 Got our home Pressure-Washed too. Love our Sunday meetings. So thankful for our Church- our extended Family... TYG
  • Bob - Every Tuesday, 7:30 PM -facilitating 'A Course In Miracles' -Come join us! There's power in Prayer- All prayers are answered', 'our thoughts are connected to God'
  • Gloria - wonderful messages & lessons
  • Pam & Matt - really enjoying our Sunday messages and gatherings
  • Neil - Thankful for our Churches prosperity -in which we are able to share with our extended community & Families. Ordered another half turkey breast - delicious!; 'Fields of Athenry' Farm (Side-Saddle Cafe in Middleburg) - 703 300-5765 - free delivery to our area. Also grateful to have my new BIOMAT, from Maryanne & Allan @ Neck Back & Beyond... loving the healing heat from beyond !!!
  •  * From kneel, Thank you all for your continued support - throughout 2020; attending and sharing each week! My on-going message: I accepted temporary stewardship of our Church. Please notify the Board (Jane, Pam, Allan) if you are interested in the more permanent position; President of Unity Center of Peace in Northern Virginia (-and the Carolina's!)
  • + check out our links to talks on YouTube via our Newsletter (in 'Neil's Channel') - with many of our "2020 messages"
  • Jody & Zak - Great talks! connecting with friends and family (-great jokes Zak! - thank you!)
  • Jane - reconnecting with friends
  • Mary & Terry - Thankful for these gatherings and messages
  • Janice & Frank - In the process of giving / living without fear ...
  • Cindy - wonderful messages
  • Donna - in my new 'Home-Sweet-Home-Kentucky'
  • Maryanne & Allan - reinventing our work-day, working with a Non-profit
  • Norm H. - writing more songs now
  • John G. - I love teaching and reading, Flute lessons, anyone?

We offer a continuous Happy Thanksgiving to everyone ! We really do have a lot to be thankful for ...
*Life is for-giving*

After every service, we share a message, addition to our Prayer List + announcements: a chance to make someone smile; to offer a prayer; another chance to thank someone; to tell a corny joke or a really good one!? *NOTE: Comments in our 'Something-Good' segment will not be recorded unless contributors(or Editor) insist! Additionally, we try to post our newsletter by Tuesday after Sunday's service. You can view the Newsletter and recorded messages on our site:
this new year ...
-a message for 2022: be safe, healthy, prosperous and smile frequently for no apparent reason! Peace comes in many forms;

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
Ours is simply the journey back to Him Who is our Home... ACIM

I know, I know ...we all miss our hugs !

our new ...
Help-Wanted section ...
help extended, help appreciated
  • part of our Vision: offering Love, Peace and Support to ALL

In recognition to all our care-givers, volunteers and healers "... We love you, we bless you, we truly appreciate you, we behold the Christ in you. We thank you for your service to our community, to our World".
*Note: Do what you love to do and the Universe will re-'pay' you for it ! ...

-- A special thank you to our retired President, Lynne Plante, for all the wonderful work she put into our informative Newsletter, her Presidency and for her ongoing support & council !

-- We would like to acknowledge:
Allan Tomson, D.C. of
Neck Back & Beyond -
He has truly re-introduced many of us to The 'Beyond' Department

-- We would also like to acknowledge our indispensable CFO/Financial Advisor and Treasurer, without whom our speakers wouldn't get paid on time, nor would our church continue to thrive. Also acknowledging her community service - volunteer work...
Thank you Jane Maddocks !

... Thank you to our
Carolina Chapter!
Ya-all continue to support our Church,
it is much appreciated ! *
(-that was a Thank-You, not a command)
-- A special note to Uncle Leon Long -
Long-time contributor. Thank you for your support and wonderful messages ...

We appreciate and honor our many valued and inspiring speakers:
Rev. Terry Dearmore
Rev. Bill Wilson
Rev. Linda George
Donna Cary
Mary Shapiro and Jeff Wolf
John Giunta
Melanie Hughes and David
Kathleen Curry
Eian Burgess
Rev. Charlie Davis and Gail
Norm Hogeland
Carleigh Kaiser- Chyris Alana
...along with numerous Unity C.0.P. speakers that have graced us with their messages. THANK YOU ALL !

Who would you like to say;
"Thank You" to for their contributions ?
-For inclusion into upcoming Newsletters, please let us know...
Our Heroes are all around us!

Remember; You just may be the Lighthouse in someone's storm


I’ve often said that it’s always a good idea to apply the acronym T.H.I.N.K. before we speak: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

If what you’re about to say doesn’t meet those standards, then don’t say it.
 – Greg Laurie

' quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger'
James 1:19

...Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.
- William Arthur Ward

We are One Nation Under God...
    a message from kneel
We must not limit ourselves to believing we are a nation with a 'glass half full - half empty' mentality
Are we incapable of celebrating our common attributes instead of judging / broadcasting our differences? In a world made up solely of unique individuals, comparison and judgement makes no sense. Besides, we all bleed the same color, red

'...Judge not that you be judged, for with the judgement you pronounce, you will be judged and the measure you give will be the measure you will receive'. 'If you must judge, judge rightly'... 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways'

Sadly, some have allowed the removal of God from our schools, colleges, institutions, businesses, government, courts, hospitals, homes... Fortunately, there are those that believe we are one nation under God -a God with many Names.

Two of the most repetitive names in the sacred texts of many World religions: Heart and GOD

Wisdom from ACIM:  
 All things are lessons God would have me learn
   I can choose Peace instead of this
    Would I rather be right or happy
      If I defend myself, I am attacked
       I am never upset for the reason I think
      Above all else, I want the Peace of God

From my heart, I pray that we ask God, by whatever name, to guide us through these times. 
May God's Will Be Done. Please, let us all turn off our electronic devices, go into our room, close the door, and ask GOD for guidance. I believe, Prayer will have a big impact on the future of our Planet.

May we never have to regret that we reached a point in our lives when we prayed so little...

In God We Trust
 Prayer, One of God's great Laws
When life gets too hard to stand
I Am, beautiful ... ❤️

our journey is short ... ❤️❤️

the Journey is short ...
thank you Patti for reposting this on Facebook ❤️❤️

An elderly woman got on a bus and sat down. At the next stop, a strong grumpy young woman climbed up and sat down beside the old woman, hitting her with her numerous bags.

When she saw the elderly woman remained silent, the young woman asked why she had not complained when she hit her with her bags?

The elderly woman replied with a Smile: “There is no need to be rude or discuss something so insignificant, as my trip next to you is so short, because I am going to get off at the next stop.” ❤️❤️

This answer deserves to be written in gold letters: “There is no need to discuss something so insignificant, because our journey together is so short.❤️

Each of us must understand that our time in this world is so short, that darkening it with useless arguments, jealousy, not forgiving others, discontentment and bad attitudes are a ridiculous waste of time and energy. ❤️❤️❤️

Did someone beak your heart? Stay calm. The trip is too short.❤️

Did someone betray you? Intimidate, cheat or humiliate you? Relax – don’t be stressed. The trip is too short.❤️

Did someone insult you without reason? Stay calm. Ignore it. The trip is too short.❤️

Did a neighbor make a comment that you didn’t like? Stay calm. Ignore it. Forget and Forgive. The trip is too short.❤️

Whatever the problem someone has brought us, remember that our journey together is too short ...❤️
No one knows the length of our trip. Nobody knows when it will arrive at its stop. 
Our trip together is too short.❤️

Let us appreciate friends and family. Let us be respectful, kind and forgiving.
Because we will be filled with gratitude and joy, after all…
Our trip together is very short.❤️

Share your Smile :)) with everyone… Our trip is too short ! ❤️❤️❤️

-Author Unknown (-although, Unity Center of Peace may know)

too many hearts? ... nope❤️ !
Reeve-RxRelax Adaptive Yoga
Ongoing - Seated Adaptive Yoga - Zoom Classes
...your chair patiently awaits your presence

Reeve-RxRelax Adaptive Yoga Class :

Yoga and Mindfulness can be helpful for over 100 physical and mental health conditions. This FREE seated yoga class is designed for people with mobility concerns, people with multiple health conditions, including wheelchair participants and their caregivers.

Classes are aimed at maintaining independence, rejuvenating health, developing a more robust brain and resilient outlook on life.

No prior experience, special clothing or equipment is required.
It's easy-to-do, effective, and a lot of fun! (Includes 'Laughter Yoga'!) 
Their saying: "All gain, no pain" ...
This experience is brought to the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services through a special partnership with The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and RxRelax.

WHEN: Fall Session: Thursdays starting October 8 to December 10
TIME: 1:15pm to 2:15pm  Registrations are still welcome
LOCATION: Virtual Center for Active Adults Fit & FAB
ZOOM Platform - Registration Required, save your spot today:

Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination in all county programs, services and activities. To request reasonable accommodations or to receive this information in an alternate format,
call 703-324-4600, TTY
September 2020
Flexible Active Balanced
Mindful Meditation with EFT Basics
Various Dates and Times
Learn about mindful meditation from Neil Goodman -Certified Meditation Instructor. Bring this powerful practice in to your daily routine. 

Mindfulness classes incorporate several exercises and experiences along with an introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which is like acupuncture for the emotions. Also introducing Heart Coherence Procedure from the HeartMath Institute.

No registration required. Bring a bottle of water and a friend - highly recommended...  If you have time to breathe, you have time to meditate !                           

View Neil's site for information and additional upcoming events.
ACIM - A Course In Miracles
Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm
From Bob Tite: 
A Course In Miracles - ACIM is a dictation from Jesus...

One can hear and feel the authority of Jesus in ACIM. I feel the reinforcement of the Scriptures in the readings...
Sessions occur every Tuesday from 7:30 ~ 9:00 pm via Skype. Email your Skype profile to Bob Tite. I'll dial the group call list and you may join the call or not anytime during the session. We will begin reading from the front end to the back taking as much time as our discussions require.
Let us learn it together since it is all about union, wholeheartedness, and relationship. Email me and I will provide my home phone number where you can contact me between 9am and 9pm EDT.

... for those interested in exploring ACIM- material and other Christ mind books, the website my friend and regular Reading group attendee, Rick Mercer has created. <> is the link. 
Support Unity with Amazon Smile
You Shop - Amazon Gives 
Help Unity while you shop online. Simply log in to Amazon Smile and search for "Unity Center of Peace." By shopping this way, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible Amazon Smile purchases to Unity.
Time for some sales stats... not only is by far the largest U.S. retailer in terms of online sales, it's also growing faster than e-commerce as a whole. And e-
commerce is growing much faster than retail sales in stores.

Tell your family - tell your friends. Happy shopping!
- in training
Fairfax, VA
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