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Arcanum Wholistic Clinic

March Newsletter

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How would you like to connect with enlightened women just like you? Join us in Mexico in April 2023 for the Wild Women Summit. See all details here: 

Wild Woman Summit — Bringer Of The Dawn #wildwomansummit #guanajuato #mexico #birthworkers #heilkunstlers #traumatherapists #resonant #community

Selfish Or Self-Care; Where Is The Healthy Boundary?

I’m often surprised when referring to a woman taking a little hammock time to simply rest or allocating 20 – 30 minutes away from their family to journal, meditate, write, read, do some yoga, or take a bath is frowned upon. I’m surprised at how often self-care is interpreted as selfish.

When my cup overfloweth, then I’m in a much better position to serve others without an ounce of reservation. By serving my basic needs first, then I can more easily suspend my goal-oriented agenda to be present with my children, husband, friends, and patients...

Read the full article here:

Trauma Bonded In Canada: Healing Beyond the Margins (Short Stories)

Allyson McQuinn, DMH, JAOH has done it again! This is book number twenty five! Writing in a completely different genre in literature, McQuinn furnishes the reader with short story vignettes of the traumas she experienced in Canada. The first story begins in a school yard marred by violence just outside Montreal, Quebec, all the way up to being a practitioner of natural medicine in Ontario and being forced out of the province if she didn’t comply with the government condoned College of Homeopaths...

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Closing Quote

Dear Jeff,

Are you a ninja at self-care?  Do you find that you over-rely on coffee to get you through the day?  These are just a couple of things that we’re talking about this month in March’s newsletter.

Did you know that women tell me, still, that if they take an hour to themselves each day to journal, meditate, and/or exercise that they’re afraid of being perceived as selfish?  This conditioning from our childhood runs pretty deep, causing us to feel trauma-bonded to a life of exhaustion and self-abandonment.  Most often this is just perpetuating how we were treated as kids; told to delay our gratification by being patient and considering others’ needs before our own. Perhaps it’s time to claw back what was socialized out of us, in favor of self-care, padding our locker for more health and fulfillment.

A quick gesture many men and women use for self-care is the ritual of making and drinking coffee. But did you know that for too many of us, coffee is highly acidifying, also causing harm to our guts, and hormone levels?  Did you know that ‘A’ blood types are the only ones that can get away with drinking coffee without causing themselves harm?  If you’re an ‘O’, ‘B’ or ‘AB’ you could be setting yourself up for diseases that grow in an acidic environment, like cancer.  In our second article, we include lots of great suggestions for coffee replacements.  Just think, you still get the ritual self-care but without the harm that coffee causes to your delicate systems, which are yo-yo’ing energetically all day, waiting for the next ‘fix.’

Perhaps it’s time to truly look at your self-care with more sleep, less doing, and drinks that support your energy and health goals.  


Ally and Jeff

What? I Shouldn’t Drink Coffee? What The Heck Should I Drink Instead?

When an ‘O’ or ‘B’ blood type finds out that coffee makes them acidic, that they can’t actually metabolize it, that it gives them chronic heart palpitations, and it will show up as undigested poison in their blood, they generally get angry. Trying to wrangle a cup of coffee out of the hands of most individuals is harder than wrestling an anaconda for their monthly meal.

We love the ritual, the warmth, the heady smoky taste first thing in the morning...

Read the full article here:

Success Story