Dear Jenifer,
We love spending time in the mountains each summer. Our youngest enjoys hiking, kayaking, and all the creatures she encounters during our stay. Well, almost all… As we sat quietly reading the first night, she asked what was making the soft pitter-patter sound. Like a good mom, I assured her it was probably some tiny creature on the roof. She was good with that explanation, until she saw a mouse run across the corner. She moves pretty fast, and almost silently, when need be - she was standing on the couch before I even realized what was happening. Several nights later she fell asleep while reading on that very same couch. This time it wasn’t a sound that woke her, but the mouse on her shoulder! So much for a relaxing vacation - I’m fairly certain she didn’t sleep again until we made it back to Pittsburgh!
Hoping all the little furry creatures you encounter this week are designs on fabric,
Mary Beth