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Dear Jenifer,

Some shopping adventures turn out better than others. For example, sometimes you stop in and we have exactly what you need, other times you find something totally unexpected. Or an even better example, what if you need a new sail? Yup, for a sailboat, as its original sail is somewhere at the bottom of the lake. You start by looking at the prices for new sails, yikes. Next up is an online search. One of my sweetie’s siblings is really, really good at searching. He found an additional sail, but it came with another complete sailboat, additional masts and rudders, and a trailer. From one functional sailboat to three, for the price of a sail - I think we need him to do our fabric shopping for us!

Wishing you a week of interesting finds,

Mary Beth

We’ve spent time this morning selecting fabrics for this month’s applique Saturday Sampler kits. You would think we’d be faster at it after all these years! On Saturday (6-15-24) we will review things happening in the shop, we’ll take a look at new fabrics and supplies for applique and a look at show and tell, and then we will move on to the next block. My plan is to leave a small bit of my sample unstitched so you can see how I work - now if I can just keep that in mind as I stitch! Don’t forget your block from last month - we can’t wait to see them!

Comfort Cases Project ~ Thank You Reception!

Saturday ~ June 22nd ~ 3:00pm

Your support of the April Comfort Cases effort was truly exceptional. By the time we left for Maryland, we had 85 quilts that will find their way into backpacks given to children entering the foster care system! Everyone that supported the effort is invited to join us at the reception on the 22nd (yes, that means those that made quilts, those that helped their friends make quilts,those that donated toiletries or adorable tiny stuffed animals, and those that made a monetary contribution!). During the event we will share a little more about Comfort Cases and what it is like to visit their location to volunteer, and of course, there will be treats - both sweets and little gifts. We hope you can make it! Please note - RSVP required by June 20th

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QC Christmas Club

Wednesday ~ June 19th ~ 10:30am

We would love to have you join us for our next Christmas Club meeting. Each session offers both inspiration and instruction. New projects that would make great gifts are reviewed during each session - some are small and fast, others take a little more time. We also share a small fabric gift each month (everybody likes getting presents, right?!). The best part of each meeting is seeing what other members have created during the month - it encourages me to work on gifts, before the holidays pass me by!

Fee $6.00 per session

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It seems I say there are gorgeous new fabrics every time I write. Honest, they are arriving at an amazing clip! Look for these when you next visit!

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Tilda Trunk Show last week, new Tilda fabric collection this week - Tilda fans should be thrilled! The spring and summer portion of Tilda’s Creating Memories collection will debut this Saturday (June 15th), while the fall and winter portion of the group will arrive mid July. Tone Finnanger describes the group as a mix of small patterned - printed and woven - designs perfect for classic quilts, softies, and even applique. I think you are going to love them! See you Saturday?! 

Fabric $15.95 per yard

And, watch for another trunk show in the coming week! This one features some wonderful pieced sampler quilts. Each throw size quilt is made up of pieced seasonal blocks, accented by rows of strips. The asymmetric settings are quite fun - so many ways to use the patterns… I will let you know when they are in place.

The newest Kansas Troubles fabric collection, Blackbirds Nest, includes deep rich tan and black prints, as well as tone on tone tan prints. These are the colors from their collections that we never seem to be able to keep in stock. The group's prints - tiny branches, petite leaves, flowers, and dots - make for a most valuable addition to any historic style fabric collection.

Fabric $12.99 per yard   

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Cloud 9’s Frank Loyd Wright March Balloons collection is currently at the end of the counter. We have several versions of the multicolor print, and a few of the lovely organic cotton coordinates (the company had a production issue, so the selection is not as large as we planned…). I am reminded of the windows in the Frank Loyd Wright buildings I’ve visited as I study the detail in the tiny tone on tone coordinates. The prints would be lovely when used in a bag, and also in quilts or accent pieces like pillows. Wouldn’t it be fun to carry your March Balloons tote during a visit to Falling Water?!    

Fabric $14.50 per yard

Watch for information about new upcoming classes in our next letter!

Please note ~ current shop hours are 10:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Saturday. 

Quilters Corner 
6101 State Route 88 Ste. 1
Finleyville, PA 15332


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