Eventos, Comunicados y Noticias | |
Visita al Secretario del Trabajo de Puerto Rico
Nuestro Presidente Electo, Cameron McKenzie, y la Directora Ejecutiva, Lcda. Liza García, se reunieron con el Secretario de Trabajo de Puerto Rico, Honorable Gabriel Maldonado-González.
McKenzie esta agradecido de que haya decidido aceptar el desafío y dedicar sus esfuerzos a Puerto Rico. ¡Deseándole mucho éxito en sus esfuerzos!
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Gobierno anuncia extensión de aumento de salario para personal de Educación
El gobernador Pedro R. Pierluisi, junto al secretario del Departamento de Educación, Eliezer Ramos Parés, anunciaron que el aumento de $1,000.00 dispuesto para los maestros del sistema, se extenderá a directores escolares, superintendentes regionales y facilitadores docentes. Dicho aumento se otorgará a partir del 1 de julio de 2022.
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Hacienda interrumpirá servicios en SURI durante el próximo fin de semana
El secretario del Departamento de Hacienda, Francisco Parés Alicea, informó que la plataforma digital SURI, interrumpirá sus servicios desde el viernes, 11 hasta el domingo, 13 de febrero, debido a trabajos de actualización.
“Como hemos adelantado, estamos en el proceso de completar la actualización de nuestra herramienta digital SURI, para que todos los usuarios se beneficien con una apariencia más moderna y un diseño dinámico, que permitirá que puedan realizar sus gestiones con mayor rapidez y en un marco de opciones más sencillo. Para completar la actualización, vamos a detener los servicios durante un fin de semana”, explicó el secretario.
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FDA Takes Steps Aimed at Fostering Development of Non-Addictive Alternatives to Opioids for Acute Pain Management
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took new steps aimed at fostering the development of non-addictive alternatives to opioids to manage acute pain and decreasing exposure to opioids and preventing new addiction. The agency issued draft guidance to provide recommendations to companies developing non-opioid analgesics for acute pain lasting up to 30 days, typically in response to some form of tissue injury, such as trauma or surgery. This guidance supports the HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy, which focuses on four priority areas — primary prevention, harm reduction, evidence-based treatment and recovery support.
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FEMA Seeks Public Feedback on Updated Emergency Operations Center How-to Guide
FEMA is seeking public feedback on an updated Emergency Operations Center (EOC) How-to Quick Reference Guide. The 30-day national engagement period opens today and will conclude at 5 p.m. ET March 10.
The EOC How-to Quick Reference Guide is a collection of guidance and best practices, which will contribute to developing an EOC that can successfully meet the jurisdiction’s needs. The updates include considerations for virtual and hybrid working environments.
To provide comments on the drafts, complete the feedback form on and submit the form to fema-nims@fema.dhs.gov no later than 5 p.m. ET on March 10.
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Developments That Matter
Competition for Talent: Expanding Opportunities for the Workforce of Tomorrow
Economic Viewpoints
Job Gains in January Exceeded Expectations
Top of Mind
Infrastructure Funding Starts Rolling Out
How the SBA Modernized Its IT
Small Business, Big Impact
3 Simple (Yet Effective) Facebook and Instagram Tools That Enhance Customer Relationships
Reopening Business Digital Resources Center
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The Ascent Digital Platform Expands: SBA Introduces Course in Government Contracting to Online Digital Learning Platform
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the launch of Journey 6 of the Ascent e-learning platform focused on educating women business owners about venturing into government contracting to help expand their businesses.
The Government Contracting Journey 6 identifies opportunities and prepares businesses to pursue those prospects.
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BBB Business Tip: Key financial strategies for rising above your competition | |
There are dozens of financial strategies you can implement to rise above your competition, such as improving profit margins by raising your prices, finding cheaper suppliers, and reducing your overheads. While these strategies are essential, however, they’re not enough to give you a competitive edge. To truly stand out, you need to develop a unique approach for running your business that sets you apart from the rest. | |
Temas Contributivos de Actualidad
24 de febrero | 9:00am-12:30pm | VIA ZOOM
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Serie Industria de Cannabis
25 de febrero | 10:00am-12:00pm | VIA ZOOM
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Perspectivas Económicas 2022
2 de marzo | 9:00am-2:30pm | Marriott San Juan Resort & Stellaris Casino
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The National Integration Center is hosting a series of 60-minute webinars to discuss changes to the EOC How-to Quick Reference Guide and answer related questions. All webinars are open to the whole community.
Each stakeholder webinar will cover the same information; choose the session most convenient for you.
Advance registration is required due to space limitations. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. To register, click on your preferred webinar session from the list below.
An American Sign Language interpreter and closed captioning will be provided. However, if you require additional accommodations, please contact
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2022 International IP Index Release
February 24
11:00AM – 12:00PM (ET)
The Index shows that intellectual property is an incredible driving force for jobs and investment.
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Apprenticeship Accelerator 2022 | |
En el Apprenticeship Accelerator 2022, los patronos participantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer más sobre el Sistema de Aprendizaje Registrado. Este sistema ofrece un adiestramiento único y flexible que permite el desarrollo de una fuerza laboral altamente calificada y de vanguardia que pueda hacer frente a los cambios y exigencias del mercado global.
Contaremos con reconocidos expertos del Departamento del Trabajo federal (USDOL) quienes estarán orientando sobre los beneficios de este programa, así como testimoniales de empresas que han implementado el aprendizaje acelerado en su área de trabajo.
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