Eventos, Comunicados y Noticias #camaristaenaccion | |
Jugando Pelota Dura
En la Camara de Comercio de Puerto Rico tenemos una agenda federal para promover la salud, alimentación, comercio, industria y manufactura en beneficios de nuestros socios y todos los puertorriqueños. El pasado lunes discutimos estos temas y la Agenda de Faces II con Ferdinand Pérez en su programa Jugando Pelota Dura.
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Gobernador anuncia Acuerdo de inclusión en el Día Mundial del Síndrome Down
“Mi meta como gobernador es continuar trabajando para lograr un Puerto Rico en el que se respete la dignidad humana de cada persona, en donde todos y todas tengan las mismas oportunidades para tener éxitos y que como pueblo podamos crecer y progresar todos los días. Como parte de la política pública de mi gobierno, estamos comprometidos con apoyar el desarrollo de su potencial, asegurando el acceso a los recursos que necesiten para propulsar sus habilidades y sus contribuciones a nuestra sociedad”, dijo el gobernador minutos antes de firmar la Proclama en la que el Estado se une a la conmemoración del Día Mundial del Síndrome Down acompañado de la niña Lily, la modelo Sofia Jirau y de la presidenta de SER de Puerto Rico, Nilda Morales.
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Errores al llenar la planilla:
Hacienda contesta tus preguntas
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USA Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative: USAWEC is a practical, high-touch, relationship-based, program relevant to today’s women business owners and the economic challenges they face while operating in the USA. The program includes interactive live sessions with leading experts and thought leaders, applied learning activities for small business owners, 1:1 mentor sessions with talented and committed business leaders, and other unique program offerings.
The program will soon start accepting applications for its 2nd cohort of 150 US-based female business owners looking to grow successful, resilient, and scalable businesses. Applications open on April 1 and close on April 15
There is no cost to apply or participate!
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Se adelantan las reparaciones de acueductos comunitarios en Puerto Rico
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico –Más de 2,000 familias tendrán acceso a agua potable gracias a la reparación de acueductos comunitarios por medio de adjudicaciones de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) por daños a raíz del huracán María. Los fondos del Programa de Asistencia Pública de la agencia se distribuyen entre comunidades en 10 municipios: Adjuntas, Aguas Buenas, Barranquitas, Caguas, Comerío, Corozal, Naranjito, Ponce, San Lorenzo y Yabucoa.
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Developments That Matter
We Can Do Both: America’s Energy and Climate Imperative
Economic Viewpoints
Inflation Expectations Have Risen Sharply – What Does It Mean?
Top of Mind
Climate Disclosure Proposal Would Undermine Investor Confidence
President Biden Warns of Potential Russian Cyberattacks
The Transatlantic Economy Remains Strong
Small Business, Big Impact
10 Business Leadership Styles and What They Mean
Reopening Business Digital Resources Center
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SBA Celebrates Women's History Month
Join the U.S. Small Business Administration to celebrate Women’s History Month! Hear from industry experts in this free online webinar the includes Natalie Madeira Cofield, SBA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Women’s Business Ownership; Candace Waterman, President and CEO of the Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP); Alisa Sheard, SBA Acting Deputy Director for the Office of Government Contracting; and Michelle Sherod, President and CEO of Accounting Legal & Logistics Solutions, Inc.
The discussion will focus on financial wellness for women-owned small businesses, the importance of increasing equity and access to opportunities that help uplift and support women entrepreneurs, and SBA initiatives and resources that support existing women-owned small businesses and new startups as they pivot and grow in a post-COVID world.
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Messages to your Google Business Profile page are a great way to interact with customers, who can ask about special promotions, changing business hours or anything else related to your business. But what happens when the latest query has nothing to do with your business? And when you respond with the correct information, the “customer” stays on the original line of questioning?
In that case, you’re probably dealing with someone who’s trying to scam you. These scammers send out hundreds, if not thousands, of the same question hoping someone will bite. This phishing technique often pays off, even if virtually everyone who receives the spammed message ignores it. Because they only need a few bites. Better Business Bureau of Central New England recently received a number of these phishing attempts in its own Google Business Profile.
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Global Market Square
The Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index rises 1,200%, we take a look at Bio-Pharma & Medical devices stock with Puerto Rico operations and Wall Street closed higher.
The U.S. & European stock markets regained their winning ways after investors were surprised by Fed Chair Powell's statement on interest rate increases.
We have been stating for months now the need for the Fed to act swiftly to curb inflation faster and quicker than during other cycles.
Since May 2021, when the Consumer Price Index rose to 4.99%, we have stated that the Fed needed to act, so this new rigor should not be a surprise.
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CEO Day Event
24 de marzo
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
San Juan Marriot Resort
Participa en nuestro CEO Day Event y…
- Escucha historias inspiradoras de influyentes CEOs en Puerto Rico
- Conoce más sobre las principales industrias de Puerto Rico
- Descubre oportunidades únicas de negocio e inversión
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PR Health & Insurance Conference
1 de abril
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Caribe Hilton
Evento que no se pueden perder representantes y proveedores de la industria de seguros de salud.
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Serie Industria de Cannabis
7 de abril
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Comerciante de la Industria de Cannabis
participa en el webinar Cumplimiento en Manufactura
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Convención Anual
9 & 10 de junio
Caribe Hilton
Sé parte de nuestra Convención Anual
para que tu NEGOCIO CREZCA!
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Mejore el Perfil de su Negocio para la Contratación Federal
5 de abril
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
| ¡Descubra las estrategias claves para mejorar el capability statement de su negocio y así aumentar las posibilidades de lograr contratos con el gobierno federal! | | | | | ¡Salgamos a trabajar! El Programa de Desarrollo Laboral tiene las herramientas para ayudarte a reincorporarte en la fuerza laboral de Puerto Rico. Descubre las plazas disponibles en: YoTrabajoPR.com | |
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