Eventos, Comunicados y Noticias #camaristaenaccion | |
Visita a socio: Refricentro
La Camara de Comercio de Puerto Rico en su #juevesdeaccion visitó a Refricentro un socio que lleva 34 años en la Institución y ha incorporado a su línea comercial un impresionante Centro de Negocios Samsung Electronics en PR, donde encontrarás la más alta tecnología para hogares y comercios. Gracias Frank Palacios por ser un patrono puertorriqueño por más de 60 años.
Refricentro es parte de nuestro grupo de Exhibidores de Convención, visita su booth #34 el 9 y 10 de junio.
| | El viernes 20 de mayo dimos comienzo al Business Boost, un fin de semana de emprendimiento, donde 37 participantes desarrollaron su idea de negocio. Fueron días intensos, pero de mucho valor y preparación para presentar su plan de negocio en el Pitch Competition. | |
A multi-stage business development educational platform for all
Since its launch in February, a group of 50 small businesses have been benefiting from PULSO, a program that is part of SBA’s Community Navigator Pilot Program, designed to provide small businesses with tools and resources to survive, grow and expand. Through this program, our organization, alongside an excellent group of partners, is guiding small businesses in the northern region of the island through a multi-stage business development path, composed of five stages.
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U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai Host First Ministerial Meeting with Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Partners
Recently, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai hosted a virtual meeting of the Ministers from the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) to build on the momentum of today’s launch of the Framework by President Biden and discuss next steps with IPEF partners.
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Celebrate Pride, Fight Fraud
Fraud affects every community, and some of the most egregious scams and abuses target the LGBTQ+ community. This Pride Month, the FTC wants to help the community fight back.
LGBTQ+ consumers face a unique set of challenges. Many of the same tools we use to connect and build community can also be weaponized by scammers and their enablers.
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FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s Continued Efforts to Return to Normal: Reopening for All Pre-Submissions
CDRH continues to manage a high volume of conventional premarket submissions (510(k), De Novo, PMA) and requests for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Since January 2020, we have received over 8,000 EUA requests and pre-EUA submissions for devices, including nearly 1,000 so far in fiscal year 2022. We continue to receive nearly 120 EUA requests and pre-EUA submissions each month, the majority for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests, and we have begun receiving conventional submissions from firms intending to transition their products beyond emergency use.
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Sólo basta uno: Prepárese para la temporada de huracanes hoy
Hoy, con el inicio de la temporada de huracanes de 2022, la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) exhorta a los residentes de Puerto Rico a preparar a sus familias y propiedades. A ser proactivos y tomar medidas de preparación, que mejoren todo el proceso de respuesta que puedan ocasionar estos eventos climáticos fuertes.
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Developments That Matter
How a Data Privacy Law Would Unleash a Flood of Lawsuits
Economic Viewpoints
Consumer Spending Is Helping Avoid a Recession
Top of Mind
CEO Summit of the Americas Will Bring Diverse Business Leaders Together
Summer Fun More Expensive? Thank Tariffs.
How Pfizer Plans to Improve Health Equity for 1.2 Billion People
Small Business, Big Impact
6 Hiring Perks to Attract Part-Time Employees
Reopening Business Digital Resources Center
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Seeking 20 small business owners to join the 2022 edition of the T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Program
The application period is now open for T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined, a free executive-level training series intended to give ambitious small business leaders a challenging opportunity to accelerate their growth through targeted training led by motivating leaders in small business development. The program allows participants to work with a network of experienced subject matter experts in core business topics. The new format also promotes an eco-system of business connections among business peers, government leaders, and the financial community.
| | BBB Business Tip: Start-up costs to consider as a new business owner | | Many small business owners plan to do everything themselves, but professional assistance can take some of the weight off an owner's shoulders. More importantly, financial and legal advice can save time, money, and even protect from a worst-case scenario. It makes up for whatever shortcomings you may have as a new business owner so that your track record in the marketplace stays positive. | |
June is National Men’s Health Month
Raising awareness about men’s health is important every day of the year. Encourage the men in your life to get their annual exams! Research by the CDC states that men in the U.S pass away 5 years earlier than women, with the leading cause being heart disease, cancer, and injuries. The percentage of men ages 18 and over who have fair or poor health is 13.2%. Our goal this month is to bring awareness to the importance of men’s healthcare, mental health, preventable health, and early detection of diseases.
We encourage you and your loved ones to seek yearly medical check-ups in order to catch diseases in their early stages and receive the treatment needed.
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Stock Markets ended the month primarily flat, and U.S. Home prices rose 21.15%
last month.
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El ECO HACK PR es el primer Hackathon enfocado en temas ambientales y de sustentabilidad de Puerto Rico creado por la empresa Reimagine Education y presentado por Microsoft en colaboración con Engine-4 y la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. Su principal objetivo es generar ideas de negocios y conceptos de soluciones viables de alto valor que puedan implementarse en Puerto Rico.
También, promover la cultura de la innovación, el intercambio de ideas, la colaboración efectiva y la creatividad impulsada por el entusiasmo hacia un objetivo compartido.
| | Cigarette Taxes in Europe | | To ensure the functioning of its internal market, the European Union (EU) sets a minimum excise duty on cigarettes. It consists of a specific component and an ad valorem component, resulting in a minimum overall excise duty of €1.80 (US $2.13) per 20-cigarette pack and 60 percent of an EU country’s weighted average retail selling price (certain exceptions apply). As this map shows, most EU countries levy much higher excise duties on cigarettes than legally required. | | Proteja su negocio de un ataque cibernético | |
Convención Anual
9 & 10 de junio
Caribe Hilton
Sé parte de nuestra Convención Anual
para que tu NEGOCIO CREZCA!
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Cómo Fortalecer la Manufactura en la Industria de Cannabis
23 de junio
via ZOOM
Comerciante de la Industria de Cannabis REGISTRATE para que participes en el último webinar de nuestra serie.
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Asamblea Anual de Socios y Socias
25 de junio
Durante los trabajos de la Asamblea se considerarán los Informes del Presidente y del Tesorero, así como las Resoluciones del 2022 y Enmiendas al Estatuto, según se recoge en la agenda de ese día.
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Conoce los programas SBIR's
15 de junio
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
| ¿Sabía que muchos productos que utilizamos hoy, como el "vacuum robot", se comercializaron gracias a la ayuda del programa SBIR? Su idea o innovación, ya sea tecnológica o científica, tiene más probabilidades con este programa. Aprenda LIBRE DE COSTO los beneficios del programa de subvención, y cómo solicitarlo. | | | | |
US Chamber of Commerce Events
IV CEO Summit of the Americas
Tuesday, June 7 - Thursday, June 9, 2022
The Chamber is partnering with the State Department to host the Fourth CEO Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles on June 7-9.
Learn more
Artificial Intelligence Commission on Competitiveness, Inclusion, and Innovation (London)
Monday, June 13, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Experts will examine AI’s relationship to fintech and global competitiveness.
Learn More
2022 USIBC Technology Summit
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - Thursday, June 23, 2022
We’ll explore cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing, blockchains, virtual reality, and fin-tech.
Learn more
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eBay en colaboración con Hello Alice, está otorgando a 50 vendedores comerciales de eBay paquetes de subvenciones de $10,000, que incluyen efectivo, educación, entrenamiento de eBay, y más para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a mantenerse en operación hasta el 2023 y más allá.
- Vence 10 de junio
- Etapa 3: Lanzamiento
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