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In This Issue

Strategic Plan Review: Priorities & Objectives

Register for Preschool 1/23

Take SP Survey 1/21-1/31

No School 1/20 for MLK Day; Need Childcare?

Monitoring Weather 1/21

Attend Winter Concerts

WT K Math & Science

SMS is Stallion Strong

CS 4th Grade Governance

Free Parent Programs

Clases de Inglés Gratuitas

1/16 BOE Mtg. Recap

Maximize the Potential!

Dear Friend of CCSD93,

Messages From

Superintendent Hill:

CCSD93’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to guide the district’s efforts and ensure the success of our students.

The plan is organized into four key sections:

  • Mission & vision statements
  • Strategic priorities & objectives
  • Core values
  • Key performance indicators

Last week, we explored CCSD93’s mission and vision statements. This week, we turn to our strategic priorities and objectives, which outline our goals and the steps to achieve them.

CCSD93’s three strategic priorities are featured in the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan logo and detailed below with corresponding bulleted objectives.

They reflect the will of our stakeholders, as they are based on input of more than 2,400 parents, students, staff, and community members who shared their perspectives through online and telephonic surveys during the strategic planning process.

Together, they provide overarching needs and actionable steps for CCSD93 to meet its vision and mission of maximizing the academic, social and emotional potential of each CCSD93 student; hire exceptional staff; and maintain and grow a high quality organization.


To fulfill our Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate vision statement, we inspire each student to grow academically, socially and emotionally through evidence-based practices.

  • Maximize the academic growth of each student to ensure mastery of essential skills and content
  • Support student social and emotional well-being to enhance learning
  • Provide all students a variety of pathways to identify and explore their passion and purpose
  • Empower students to take ownership of their learning
  • Promote inclusiveness and appreciation of diverse perspectives


Create and support a workforce that is inspired and engaged to fulfill the Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate, demonstrate the district’s values, and meet the objectives of the Strategic Plan.

  • Attract, develop, retain and recognize high-quality staff who embody CCSD93 values and represent the diversity of the community while serving the unique needs of all students
  • Engage staff and student voices to ensure appropriate collaboration in decision-making and collective responsibility of the culture and climate of our schools and classrooms
  • Ensure staff uphold high expectations for all students
  • Utilize systems of collaboration surrounding data analysis to ensure sound decision making resulting in evidence-based practices
  • Assist all staff to continuously grow and improve in their professional practices


Responsibly manage resources to support the vision for students set forth by the Portrait of a CCSD93 Graduate in alignment with strategic priorities.

  • Maintain safe schools for all students, staff and visitors
  • Leverage resources effectively to ensure financial sustainability
  • Invest in infrastructure that supports learning
  • Uphold sustainable and responsible environmental practices
  • Produce ongoing strategic communications

Register for 2025-26 Preschool on 1/23

Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at CCSD93's Early Childhood Center (ECC), 280 Old Gary Ave., Bloomingdale, IL.

The award-winning ECC offers a play-based environment designed for 3- and 4-year-olds, fostering independent thought, problem-solving, self-worth, and positive group interactions in a safe and nurturing space.

Registration is open to community members with children who will be 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2025. Space is limited, so attending the event ensures the best chance of securing a spot. Bring your state I.D. and child’s birth certificate (original or sealed copy). More details are available at

This event is for parents of new students only; families of returning students have been contacted separately. Please do not bring children.

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Please Take Strategic Plan Survey 1/21-1/31

CCSD93 strives to continuously improve as an organization. In order to do so, we seek stakeholder feedback in a variety of ways. One key method is CCSD93’s Strategic Plan Survey, which parents, staff and 4th-8th grade students will be asked to take in a couple of weeks.

Parents will receive a call, text and email with a link to the survey on January 21 asking that you take it by January 31. Please watch for it and complete the survey when you're able! By sharing your perspective on this school year, you’ll helps us to improve while measuring the progress of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan and its key performance indicators.

No School Monday, 1/20, in Honor of Dr. King; Are You in Need of Childcare?

As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, January 20 as we recognize Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and acknowledge his tremendous contributions to the civil rights movement.

If you're in need of childcare, our partners at the Carol Stream Park District have you covered with ActivKids Days Off Club. Click here to register.

Monitoring Weather Conditions for Tuesday, 1/21

You may know that the weather forecasts for early next week call for temperatures in single digits. As always, we will monitor the conditions. Here are a few key notes specific to Tuesday:

  • If forecasts do not worsen from what is currently expected as of the writing of this newsletter on Friday, we do NOT anticipate school closures on Tuesday.
  • If you do not hear from CCSD93, and there are no closure notifications on CCSD93’s website by early Tuesday morning, that means that school IS in session.
  • As always, parents who feel it is unsafe for their child to attend, even if school is open, should keep their child home that day and call the school office to notify the school of this decision. 
  • If the weather turns and a decision is made to close schools, we will follow the procedures described at to notify families. In Tuesday's case, an E-Learning Day would NOT be implemented, as not all students have devices for remote learning.

Please review the following for important news and updates from CCSD93, and have a terrific long weekend!


Dr. David H. Hill

Superintendent of Schools


Save the Date: CCSD93 Music Winter Concert Schedule

CCSD93 has active band, orchestra and choir programs, with hundreds of 5th-8th grade students in band, 4th-8th graders in orchestra and middle schoolers in choir throughout the district. Save the date for the following remaining performances this winter!

Western Trails Kindergarteners Explore Science & Math

On Fridays, kindergarteners at Western Trails take part in hands-on explorations that support the grade level’s science and math learning standards. It helps the young learners develop language and background knowledge, reinforce what they’ve learned and build a knowledge base for future lessons!

Stratford Students Stay Stallion Strong!

Today, Stratford Middle School hosted "Stallion Strong" day during lunch periods! Representatives from Northeast DuPage Family & Youth Services (NEDFYS) set up a table with engaging wellness activities and resources for students to take home. This special event, organized in collaboration with Stratford's Tier 1 Committee, helped students kick off the new year in a healthy and mindful way.

Carol Stream Students Get Into Governance With Local State Rep

Fourth graders at Carol Stream Elementary are exploring the "Our State and Region" unit of the Illinois Learning Standards, focusing on geography, history, economics, and government. This week, they welcomed 48th District State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro, who shared insights about her role in governance and answered student questions. Find out more about the experience in this video!

You're Invited to Attend Free Parent Programs!

CCSD93’s partners at Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) provide terrific, free programming for today's parents. Even though it has Glenbard in the title, all CCSD93 families are invited to attend GPS events. This year, GPS is offering an incredible slate of speakers. You're invited to attend the upcoming parent programs below. Mark your calendar and visit for more

Clases de Inglés Gratuitas en Carol Stream

1/16 Board of Education Meeting Recap

The most recent CCSD93 Board of Education meeting was held on January 16. The following occurred at the meeting.

  • There was a Board Salute to the winners of CCSD93’s Seasonal Card Contest from each elementary and middle school. They're depicted at the bottom of this message, as are their winning cards!
  • CCSD93 Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning & Innovation Jonathan Zimmermann presented to the Board about CCSD93’s Curriculum Review Cycle. This is a systematic process utilized to monitor, evaluate, revise and implement updates to the curriculum. This process examines student learning and implements changes necessary to continue to advance the district’s mission to maximize the academic, social and emotional potential of each student.
  • CCSD93 Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Dr. Crysta Morrissey presented about CCSD93’s elementary co-teaching program.
  • The Board reviewed and discussed its Board Member Agreements document, which reminds all Board members of their collective responsibility.
  • There was a Finance Committee meeting report from the January 14, 2025 Finance Committee meeting.
  • The Board reviewed student fees and food services fees and approved the following recommended updates for future school years in order to keep up with rising costs. 
  • Recorders for students in grades 3-5 will increase from $6 to $8 in 2025-26.
  • Gym shirts for middle school students will increase from $10 to $14 in 2025-26.
  • A plan to raise the ECC's tuition in 2026-27 and again in 2028-29. More details will be shared during the registration process prior to the school years featuring increases.
  • The Board reviewed Press Plus policy updates for second reading and adoption for several policies. For more information on the policies, view the meeting’s agenda at
  • The Board reviewed and approved a resolution supporting the Illinois Vision 2030 Education Improvement Policy.
  • The Board approved of the personnel report.

Congratulations to CCSD93's

2024-25 Seasonal Card Winners!

CCSD93 strives to maximize the academic, social & emotional potential of each student.

Click to find out more about CCSD93's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, its guiding document designed to maximize student outcomes!

Click to find out more about the qualities identified by our community that we're instilling in our students by 8th grade!

Click to listen to any of CCSD93's Talk D93 podcasts and find out more about district programs, services, history and more!

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