This Week at LaSalle • March 5, 2025 | | |
Tonight's Ash Wednesday service begins at 7:00 PM -- join us in the Sanctuary or online via the live page. | |
Preaching This Sunday:
Yolanda Fields, Executive Director of Breakthrough Urban Ministries
Serve Topic:
Hands-on projects to help feed, serve, and also provide toiletry bags with neighbors of Breakthrough's on the west side. Join us for worship, a sermon, and a call to action with opportunities to get engaged and Serve together this week. Please wear your Serve Sunday shirts!
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This Week for Kids
- 0–3-year-old Nursery will be open during service.
- 3–6-year-olds will have Kid’s Church during service.
- Elementary kids and older youth will be invited during service to join special service projects in Leslie Hall.
| | | Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday -- don't forget to spring forward! | |
Ashes & Advocacy: A Lenten Journey of Humility and Hope
This Lenten season, we will join with millions of Jesus followers around the globe in preparing for Easter - a time when we focus on our dependence on God, our mortality, and also the life and restoration of God's kin-dom that is up ahead.
Check out today's blog post on our website
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Join One of Our Lenten Study Groups
All groups start NEXT WEEK
We have a few opportunities to engage and go deeper this Lenten season!
Life After Doom Online Book Study - Join this book study led by Dave & Kathy Neely discussing Life After Doom by Brian McLaren. McLaren focuses a faith-based lens on distressing content - climate change – so it is for those ready to contemplate difficult material. McLaren also asks his readers to take in his material in small chunks, journaling as they go. In this study, we will follow his lead and commit to reflecting through journaling. Meeting on Zoom on Tuesday evenings throughout, 7-8:15 PM, March 11 to April 15. Click here to sign up, or contact Kathy or Pastor Brent with any questions.
Inspired Online Book Study - How do we love and trust the Bible, especially when it’s been used against us? Join Pastor Brent for a drop-in series of honest conversations about Scripture and our relationship to it, using Rachel Held Evans’ book Inspired. Meeting on Zoom every two weeks on Wednesday nights, starting 3/12. Sign up here!
Postures of Prayer - this group will focus on prayer through the season of Lent led by Pastor Julie! Meeting in person in Cornerstone Center every Wednesday morning throughout Lent, beginning March 12. The first session will begin at 10 AM, all subsequent sessions begin at 10:30 AM. Sign up here!
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Thanks for Your Participation!
Sunday, April 13
Thanks to all who participated in our service activity last Sunday, sharing where you sense God calling you to trust and BE this season. We're praying over and honoring these sacred words in the Sanctuary this season -- join us as we Fix Our Eyes together.
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Save the Date: Identity & Visioning Workshop
Sunday, April 13
Join us after worship on Palm Sunday (April 13) for a special workshop reflecting on our church's identity and vision in this season.
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How do you Fix Your Eyes - on Joy, Justice, & Jesus this season?
Create with us and join our church-wide art project this Feburary-March. Submit original art, photos, poetry, textiles, music recordings, painting, and more—whatever points toward Joy, Justice, & Jesus!
If you have art to share, send digital files to the church office, or bring physical works to the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. Contact the church office for more info!
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Congregational Budget Meeting Feedback Forms
Please turn in all surveys and website quizzes from the Congregational Budget Meeting by this Sunday, M0arch 9 to the church office - or fill out the feedback form or web site survey online! We will share a gift card to the quiz winner and want to pass along your feedback form responses to our leadership.
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Happy Women's History Month!
"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own."
- Audre Lorde
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Interested in a Justice & Advocacy Team?
We're seeking sign ups from those interested in joining a Justice & Advocacy team at LSC - this team will help pray for, research, and organize potential ways that we can be active in systemic work in this season alongside the most marginalized. Sign up at the link below or contact Pastor Julie with your ideas or questions.
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Recommended Resources
Two more resources for this season that Rev. Liz has found timely are:
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Ancient Echoes
by Walter Brueggemann
This slim easy-to-read primer that connects the 8 features of Kurt Anderson's book, The Unmaking of America with prophetic literature to paint 8 ways forward that refuse the toxicity of the Far Right.
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How We Learn to be Brave
by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
Bishop Budde's book from a few years ago underscores how prophetic and courageous moments, like her recent appeal to leaders having mercy after the Inauguration, come from a lifelong process of growth, trust, faith, and becoming that she insists is open to all.
| | Click on the book images to learn more about these resources on Bookshop! | |
Save the Date: Women's Gathering
Saturday, April 12
LSC women will gather together on April 12 for a day of reflection and connection. Save the date!
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Radical Transformation:
Reading and Practicing the Sermon on the Mount
Next Session: March 16 in Leslie Hall
Dr. Annette Huizenga's class on the Sermon on the Mount continues! All are welcome to join for the next session in Leslie Hall of Cornerstone Center, which will focus on "Prayer and Fasting: Matthew 6:1-18." If you have time, read the entire Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7) before the class. If you have not done so already, select a verse to memorize (one that seems important to you at this time), and be prepared to recite it with one other person.
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Save the Date: Easter
Sunday, April 20
We're already getting ready to celebrate Christ's Resurrection this Easter Sunday with joyous worship and a big party after service -- we hope you plan to join us, and encourage you to invite a friend (or two)!
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RSVP for the Families Retreat
May 17-18
LSC families will be headed to Lockport this May for a time to connect, grow together, and enjoy fun activities at Forge Adventure Park. Please RSVP to Rev. Liz to attend!
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Join Us at Breaking Bread
Looking for a midweek opportunity to serve our neighbors in the Near North Side? Come to Breaking Bread! We have multiple ways to serve on Wednesdays -- from meal prep, to helping distribute meals to our guests, to delivering meals to some of our senior buildings around the church.
Sign up to help at an upcoming Breaking Bread (there are multiple times to sign up for on any Wednesday) or contact Pastor Julie for more information. Or click the link below to send needed items to directly to Breaking Bread via Amazon!
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How can Christians practice Jewish & Palestinian solidarity without scapegoating?
🗓️ Sunday, March 16th
⏰ 2:00 - 4:00 PM
📍 Living Water Community Church
(6808 N Ashland Blvd)
Please join this workshop organized by the Jewish Vocie for Peace (JVP) on Sunday, 3/16 at 2 PM! Despite the focus on Christian Zionism, the gathering is open to people of any faith background or none.
Sponsored by Mennonite Action Chicago, Living Water Community Church, and Jewish Voice for Peace Chicago
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5 Calls
5 Calls makes it easy for you to reach your members of Congress and make your voice heard. They research issues, write scripts that clearly articulate a progressive position, and figure out the most influential decision-makers, and collect phone numbers for their offices.
All you have to do is call!
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