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Vital Living News

April 2024

Vital Living supports an intergenerational community that values and respects everyone, increases understanding and engagement, and focuses on health and well-being for all generations.

Thank You Volunteers

April is National Volunteer Month—a time to recognize and celebrate the remarkable individuals who contribute their time, energy, and talents to improving our communities. At Vital Living, we are deeply grateful for the extraordinary volunteers who make our NE Day Spot program a success. Their dedication and enthusiasm enables us to continue to serve the community and offer respite care. In the spirit of gratitude, we’re excited to share a few highlights from last few month’s volunteer efforts, showcasing the incredible impact of these compassionate and helpful individuals. 

Our volunteers bring joy, laughter, and fun to our Fridays along with their helping hands. 

Would you like to have fun and make a difference in the lives of older adults? Come and join us!

Northeast Day Spot Friend Volunteer: Provide respite care support for people experiencing dementia and other chronic conditions while their caregivers receive a break.

Music Maker Volunteer: Share your musical talents with people experiencing dementia.

Garden Volunteer: Help us plant, water and weed our community garden. Flexible days/times.  

Phone Call Friend Volunteer: Provide a listening ear and companionship to an older adult with weekly phone calls.


The Vital Living Team

612-787-4086 |

Vital Living is supported in part by a Live Well at Home grant from the MN Department of Human Services. 

In This Newsletter

Classes: Maintain your Well-being

Events: Lifelong Learning

Caregiving: Gain Emotional and Practical Support

Engagement: Connect through Volunteering

Resources: Tools for Staying Independent

View Vital Living Monthly Calendar

Growing Connections is a free gardening program offered through the U of M Master Gardener Program designed exclusively for people with early-stage dementia and their care partners.

No garden, gardening experience, or green thumb required!

Click here for more information about "Growing Connections"

Vital Living Classes

Senior Planet Tech Classes

Mondays and Wednesdays

11:00 AM-12:30 PM


The Vital Living Program at East Side Neighborhood Services is partnering with Senior Planet from AARP to help older adults use technology to learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends. We hope you can join us!

April 1: Food Delivery Apps

April 3: Shopping on Amazon

April 8: Cloud Storage

April 10: Google Maps

April 15: Mobile Health Apps

April 17: Exploring Online Health Resources

April 22: Telemedicine

April 24: NO CLASS

April 29: Saving Money with Tech

For all tech classes, we will be gathering in our Tech Lounge at East Side Neighborhood Services. All materials needed will be provided. No cost for these classes. Must RSVP in advance as space is limited for each class.

For questions and to register, contact 612-787-4086 or

Photo of older adult exercising together

Vital Fitness

Thursdays Weekly|10:30-11:30 AM


All abilities are encouraged to come. Movements can be done seated or standing.

A wide variety of balance, strength, and flexibility movements will be incorporated into this fun and social group class. Masks and physical distancing will be encouraged, but not required. No cost. Pre-registration is helpful for planning purposes but not required. 


Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or

Tai Ji Practice

Thursdays|10:30-11:30 AM

May 9- June 13

Via Zoom

Improve your balance, strengthen your muscles and reduce the risk of falling. These one-hour practice sessions meet online once a week. Practice consists of warmup exercises, a mix of core Tai Ji forms and brief cooldown exercises. This class is recommended for those who have taken Beginner Tai Ji Quan and want more practice. 


For questions and to register, contact 612-787-4086 or Cost share donations accepted based on a sliding fee scale.

Vital Living Events

Vital Living Book Club

2nd Saturday of the Month | 9:00-10:00 AM  

Via Zoom     

Enjoy reading and looking for a friendly group to be a part of? Bring your coffee and join our statewide book club online.

As we are all living more days, we explore reframing the idea of aging as opportunity — the opportunity to reach out to other generations, share wisdom, and learn new ways of living in the world — through the discussion of engaging books.

April 13th: "The Violin Conspiracy" by Brendan Slocumb

May 11th: "Being Henry: The Fonz....And Beyond" by Henry Winkler

June 8th: Three Things about Elsie by Joanna Cannon

To register, click here.

Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or

Haven't read the book? Still come and meet us. New to Zoom? We can help you get connected.

Community Education Classes with Vital Living

Our Whole Lives

Monday| April 29|6:15-8:15

OWL is a curriculum that takes a values-based, social justice approach to the sexuality of adults in midlife and beyond – recognizing and honoring the diversity of participants with respect to sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and disability. This introductory workshop uses exercises and techniques designed to reduce shame, normalize age-related changes, provide information about relationships, and increase awareness of sexual choices.

Our Whole Lives is recommended for adults over the age of 50, as well as for caregivers working with older adults.

To register, click here.

Questions? Please contact Henry HS Community Ed manager, Kevin Czmowski, at or 612-668-2740

Additional Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or


Soul of Aging

Monday| May 6 and May 13th|6:15-8:15

As we age there is a natural movement toward interiority, reflection, and making peace with our past. We yearn to grasp what life has been all about and to come as fully alive as we possibly can before we die.

Whether you, yourself, are moving into a new phase of life or you are accompanying someone else as they age, this workshop is a meaningful experience in practicing “aging intentionally.” Through poetry, story, art, music, and discussion, we will explore how to creatively approach the art of aging and the many soulful invitations our maturing years offer us.

Session 1 – Exploring Our Visions of Aging   Session 2 – The Courage to Claim Your Unlived Life

Location: Henry High School, 4320 Newton Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412

To register, click here.

Questions? Please contact Henry HS Community Ed manager, Kevin Czmowski, at or 612-668-2740

Additional Questions? Contact 612-787-4086 or

Vital Living Caregiving

Caregiver Support Groups 

Every Tuesday | 2:00-3:00 PM

Via Zoom

Looking for a safe and welcoming place where you can discuss the challenges, the frustrations, and the joys of caregiving? Our Caregiver Support Groups are here to help in any way we can! In these supportive environments you can: 

  • Get connected to the community resources you need 
  • Meet and support other people with similar experiences 
  • Learn self-care strategies and coping techniques 
  • Vent, share your personal experiences, and leave feeling better for it! 


Attendance is open to any adult 18+ years of age who is a caregiver for an older adult 65+. First time participants will need to request a link and password to enter the calls.

Caregiver 1:1 Support

Can't make it to a Support Group? Contact Shay for 1:1 support over the phone, on Zoom, or in-person at times that are convenient for you. When caregiving, it is hard to know what is coming next. We understand that and are here for you.

Please contact Shay with any questions or if you need the link for the Zoom meetings. Shay at 612-787-4076 or

Caregiving Services are funded, in part, under contract with Trellis as part of the Older Americans Act.

NE Day Spot

In-Person Respite

Fridays Weekly|10:00 AM-1:00 PM

Experiencing dementia doesn't have to mean a loss of connection. This is a place for you.

NE Day Spot is a gathering place for those with mild to moderate memory loss or other chronic health conditions to be in community while caregivers have a reliable break each week.

Enjoy gathering together with art, music, conversation, and movement alongside volunteers, participants, and Vital Living staff.

Every Friday, this event aims to be a welcoming space for:

  • Persons 65+ receiving care from others
  • Those living with memory loss or other chronic conditions

Requirements: Pre-assessment necessary to determine eligibility.

Cost: Suggested donation based on sliding fee scale, $0-$45 per day. Space is limited.

Covid protocols: Vaccinations for staff and volunteers with social distancing for everyone, as appropriate. Masks are strongly encouraged but not required.

Contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or for more information.

LGBTQ+ Caregiver Group

2nd Thursday of the Month | 3:30-4:30 PM  

Via Zoom  

Build a support system with people who understand.

This group is specifically designed for LGBTQ+ caregivers who are supporting someone diagnosed with any type of dementia. Co-hosted by Vital Living's Caregiving Services Coordinator, Shay MacKay.

Alzheimer’s Association® caregiver support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for caregivers, family and friends of persons with dementia to:

• Develop a support system.

• Exchange practical information on caregiving challenges and

possible solutions.

• Talk through issues and ways of coping.

• Share feelings, needs and concerns.

• Learn about community resources.

Contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or for more information.

Click here to learn more about Alzheimer's Association caregiver programs and resources.

Caregiver Newsletter

Do you help a neighbor with chronic fatigue around their house? Do you take a friend living in assisted living to doctor's appointments? Do you bring meals to a sibling who finds it hard to cook? Do you call a parent or grandparent every evening to check-in?

You could be considered a caregiver! And we can be a good resource for you. Sign up for our monthly Caregiver Newsletter.

To receive our monthly newsletter, contact Shay at 612-787-4076 or for more information.

Vital Living Engagement

NE Day Spot Friend Volunteer

Fridays|9:30AM-1:30 PM

NE Day Spot Friends play an important role during our dementia-friendly NE Day Spot Respite Program. On Fridays from 9:30AM-1:30PM, you will socialize with participants, provide support during activities, and help with set up and clean up. Join us and make a difference in the lives of local adults and caregivers-and have fun doing it! No hands-on care required.

Some of the perks of being a NE Day Spot Friend are:

  • Laughing and smiling until your cheeks hurt while swapping jokes and stories in our coffee hour.
  • Getting your body moving and grooving for the day with some group stretches.
  • Enjoying and participating in musical activities led by talented musicians.

Help give individuals facing dementia a welcoming space they associate with friends and fun. You would also allow caregivers the priceless gift of time—moments to themselves in order to recharge, relax, or accomplish a task. A small window in their week where they can breathe and take a moment for themselves with the reassurance that the person they care for is safely enjoying themselves too.

Questions about volunteering as a NE Day Spot Friend or additional Vital Living volunteer opportunities, contact Caitlin at 612-787-4086 or

Resources for Vital Living

Senior Planet

Senior Planet has daily online classes via Zoom covering a wide variety of topics and activities. A couple of highlights for August include:

Voice Assistants

Friday|April 12th |1:00PM-2:00PM (CST)

To access the Zoom link, click here.

Introduction to Booking Vacation Stays Online

Monday|April 15th|2:00PM-3:00PM (CST)

To access the Zoom link, click here.

Accessible Transportation

East Side Neighborhood Services provides transportation for people 60+ living in North, Northeast, and Southeast Minneapolis and St. Anthony Village. 

We are open for vaccine, medical, social need, and shopping trips. We are also available for small group outings. Accessible transportation available.

Not sure if you qualify or if your destination is part of our service area? Please call and check. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Cost: Suggested donations based on income

Available: Monday through Friday, 8am - 4pm

To make a reservation, call: 612-787-4012

Friends & Co. Coffee Talk

Did you know that just one phone call can make your day? Give it a try!

Coffee Talk is a free drop-in phone line, from Friends & Co. It offers you an easy and instant way to engage with a caring Coffee Talkers in conversation.

With words of encouragement and an understanding ear, we are ready to meet you wherever you are on your unique journey.

Using Coffee Talk is as easy as dialing your telephone. It’s completely free, and there is no need to worry about giving any personal information or feeling embarrassed about calling. Your privacy is our priority.

If this sounds like you, we invite you to join us at “the table” with your favorite morning beverage to start your day. We guarantee good company and an engaging conversation!

Interested in being a Coffee Talker, we’re always looking for volunteers to join our team!

Hours of Service: Monday – Friday, 8 am-Noon

Contact Emma with Friends & Co. at 612-746-0746.

Let’s Do Lunch Café

2nd Tuesday and 4th Friday of the Month

11:30am to 1:30pm

In person at the Danish American Center

3030 W River Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55406.

Let’s Do Lunch Café brings together older LGBTQ+ community members for lunch and connection “on the house.”

These monthly gatherings offer an excellent opportunity for social interactions and educational programs, all in a warm and welcoming environment.

NO RSVP is required.

Let’s Do Lunch is made possible by Rainbow HealthPrime Timers MSP, and Friends & Co

Click here for more information or call 612-721-1400

Vital Fitness Home Edition
Recordings Via YouTube
Improve balance, strength, and coordination with this online all-abilities exercise class. To see previous class recordings, please visit our YouTube page.

Vital Living Guided Meditation

Take a moment to relax with a guided audio meditation! During high stress times, it's too easy to let self-care fall by the wayside.

If caregiving for a relative, partner, neighbor, friend, or child is causing difficult emotions, contact our Vital Living team at for support and resources.

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East Side Neighborhood Services
1700 Second Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413