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Issue 2, 2023

A Message from Teresa

I read somewhere that in almost all cases people remember their vacations in moments, and eventually recall the entire time as wonderful. However, most of us know that there were times when the food was cold, the lines too long, the kids overtired, the hotel too hot, and all sorts of other things that had, at the time, cast a shadow. But now in our memory banks the trip to Disney or PEI or wherever else was totally magical.

We have been through so much in the past few years, and yet I am amazed at how we are bouncing back, planning adventure, finding new opportunities in community, and building relationships. Sure, we are not yet at a time when we muse that pandemic was a great vacation, but it is starting to be in the rear-view mirror for us and we are focused on the road ahead. In this, the first quarter of our year, we have celebrated our diversity, made many changes to lessen the remaining restrictions and enjoyed many celebrations and excursions in all three communities. 

Of special note is our Annual General meeting, a time when we celebrate the past year and all of its achievements. The Board hosted a wonderful event in June. We had our usual reports, a great presentation about our Early Learning Quality Initiative (ELQI) and celebrated three volunteers who were leaving after six years on the CLTH Board of Directors. The meeting not only celebrates the board and agency but offers an event to express gratitude to all our supporters in the community, as volunteers, employees and all our family and friends. 

Community Living Trent Highlands is now six years old as an amalgamated agency. While there were some frustrating roller coaster style wait lines in those years, looking back now it has been a fantastic ride, and we are just getting started.

Photo: Carol Kelsey, Board President (left) and Teresa Jordan, Executive Director

Our Annual Report is Online

Haven't had the opportunity to read our Annual Report 2022 2023 yet? You can access it on our website in the publications section.

Read our Annual Report

Just enjoying ourselves at & around home.

Celebrating Volunteer Excellence

In 2022 Verna Humphries completed her 25th year of volunteering with Community Living Trent Highlands.

Verna was instrumental in creating the Northern Learning Centre (NLC), a gathering place in Fenelon Falls for people to meet, learn and grow.

Verna is steadfast, dedicated and generous with her time both at the Centre and in preparing its lessons, crafts and games. Verna is clear and reliable in her commitment to ensuring everyone in the space feels believed in and counted on to do better and better. 

Verna has taught us all much. We asked ourselves, how does an agency recognize such a momentous and generous feat that most of us will only see once in a life time? We knew that we needed to honour this feat of volunteering and thus came up with the Verna Humphries Dedication Award.

Photo L-to-R: Dawn Dibello (NLC), Verna Humphries, Teresa Jordan (Executive Director) & Carol Kelsey (Board President)

Verna Humphries Dedication Award

The Verna Humphries Dedication Award will be given annually in honour of Verna's 25 years of volunteer service.

It will be granted to a staff member or volunteer who exhibits Verna's same dedication and contribution in support of inclusion and the Community Living movement.

The recipient will:

- Have a tenure that exceeds 20 years.

- Believe in the gifts of people and that learning is a lifelong activity for everyone.

- Be highly committed, a good planner and dependable.

- Show creativity, shows initiative and dedication to ensuring that activities are meaningful.

-  Be driven to make a difference, to see a project through and advocate to make it happen.

-  Show appreciation, acknowledge the gifts of everyone and celebrate accomplishments both big and small.

Congratulations to Geraldine Webster

First Recipient of the Verna Humphries Dedication Award

Geraldine (Geri) Webster is a kind, quick-witted, dedicated volunteer who has worked alongside Verna for 25 years at the Northern Learning Centre (NLC).

Geri believes strongly that community includes everyone, the gifts of all people are important and any gathering should include a few laughs. She is a committed volunteer and has reliably helped to plan and carry out all Centre activities. Geri has added that special attention that ensures everyone is included and valued in all work and fun at the NLC.

Geri gives freely of her time, offering her calm presence, positive energy and caring to all who have attended during her years of service. Geri, along with Verna, has been a wondrous role model to all.

Photo L-to-R: Dawn Dibello (NLC), Teresa Jordan (Executive Director), Geri Webster & Carol Kelsey (Board President)

Celebrations & achievements!

Join the CLTH Team!

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Mark Your Calendar!

Thank you once again to Treasures on 35 and More for hosting its Tempting Draw in support of Community Living Trent Highlands. Only 100 tickets will be sold starting on August 1st and ending with the draw on August 31st. Be sure to get your tickets before they sell out!

The faces of Connex

Program Spotlight: CONNEX

Connex is our day program, offering participants of all skills and ability levels the opportunity to access meaningful social, recreational and leisure activities within a safe, staff-supported environment. Activities are offered both in-house and in the community, and are based on the interests of participants.

Connex is a service for adults (18 years of age and older) living with a developmental disability. Participants are supported through the caring attentiveness of staff and volunteers who strive to bring out the best of each person’s abilities. Group activities are organized to offer successes to each person at Connex. Participants are encouraged to take an active role at Connex by sharing their input in group discussions and decisions, exploring new activities and areas of interest, and getting to know new people.

An important component of Connex is our work with participants and their families to develop and achieve personal goals. Maintaining communication between staff and family members is vital. We work with you to determine the level of support required.

Connex also offers facilitation, planning and brokering services in some of our locations. Connex runs out of Peterborough, Haliburton and Kawartha Lakes (Lindsay).

For more information, including how to access this service, visit our Connex web page by clicking here. Following are our latest schedules.


Kawartha Lakes


We love animals, big & small.

Latest News

Holiday Closures

  • Civic Holiday – August 7
  • Labour Day – September 4
  • Thanksgiving – October 9
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26

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Looking no further! Links to past issues of our e-bulletin are posted on our website in the Publications sections.

To go there directly just click on this link.

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Easter celebrations!

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Introducing our DICE Committee: Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, Equity

The purpose of the DICE committee is to live into and promote the guiding principles as outlined below,

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DSO: Frequently asked questions (and answers)

Need some basics about Developmental Services Ontario and what it does? Here are FAQs from DSO website, provided in PDF and image...

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Job Posting: Permanent Part-time Support Worker, all...
We are recruiting part-time Direct Support Professionals to work in our Community Homes in Peterborough, Lindsay & Haliburton Permanent Part-time Support Worker, Casual Part-time Support Worker Support Workers carry out all...
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The Tempting Draw is Back: Tickets go on sale August 1st

Treasures on 35 and More is once again supporting Community Living Trent Highlands this summer by holding their Tempting Draw this August.

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Our 2022 2023 Annual Report is now online - Community Living Trent Highlands

Our 2022 2023 annual report is now available to download on our website.

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We are so glad to get out and explore the world again.

Spring Flinging!

223 Aylmer St N
Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3
Tel: (705) 743-2411
Fax: (705) 743-3722
Kawartha Lakes
Suite 200, 205 McLaughlin Rd
Lindsay, ON K9V 0K7
Tel: (705) 328-0464
Fax: (705) 328-0495


73 Victoria St. Box 90

Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Tel: (705) 457-2626

Fax: (705) 457-9287

Toll-free 1-877-743-2411

Disclaimer: There are websites linked through our e-bulletin that are operated by groups or organizations other than Community Living Trent Highlands. These groups and organizations are totally responsible for the operation of and information on their websites. Community Living Trent Highlands is not responsible for the content on any website other than our own. Including links to other websites on our site does not mean that we endorse that website or its host.
Community Living Trent Highlands

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