SMI Recognizes 2022 Award Recipients
The Society for Mucosal Immunologists recognized the 2022 award recipients during the opening session of the 20th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology in Seattle last July.
Young Investigator Awardees
- Theresa Alenghat, DVM, PhD
- Iliyan Iliev, PhD
Distinguished Service Award
Clare Lloyd, PhD was recognized this year for her many years of service to the Society on the Board of Councilors, committee work and role on the editorial board of Mucosal Immunology.
Per Brandtzaeg Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award
The Society recognized Andrew Macpherson, MD, PhD this year for his deep impact on the global mucosal immunology community.
New Award Announced
The SMI Board of Councilors established a new award this year to recognize commitment and dedication to the Mucosal Immunology journal that goes truly above and beyond which will be presented at the discretion of the Board of Councilors. The award is named after this year's inaugural recipient, Brian Kelsall, MD, who was presented the Brian Kelsall Medal at the Congress in recognition of his many years of service as the founding Editor-in-Chief of Mucosal Immunology from 2007 through early 2021.
ICMI 2022 Poster Award Winners
Congratulations to the ICMI2022 poster award winners, sponsored by MI
- Blair Armistead
- Jessica Graham
- Erica Grant
- Heber Lara
- Djalma de Souza Lima Jr.