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In This Issue
What's New At MN COLA?
- MN COLA December Member Meeting
- AIS spreading in Minnesota
- Wake study phase II update
- DNR AIS control grants
- MSU intro to lakes
- MAISRC Newsletter: Fall 2022
- Starry Stonewort prevented by inspector
- Lake Resiliency | Overview
- MN COLA receives 501(c)3 status
Best We've Seen
- Mussel Mayhem in The Great Lakes
- Plant covered ponds- source of greenhouse gasses
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What's New at MN COLA?
Lynn Goodrich, MN COLA Executive Committee member, has been a key part of MN COLA since its founding and shares some interesting perspectives on how far MN COLA has come in 10 years.
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MN COLA Membership Meeting and Round Robin
December 6, 2022
Please mark your calendars for the next MN COLA Member Meeting on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022, 9 am - 11 am CT (Zoom virtual format). After the Member Meeting, we invite you to stay for the Round Robin session (11 am - 12 am CT). The Round Robin is an informal session for you to share what is on your mind and connect with other lake stewards.
The December Member meeting agenda includes:
- Legislative Update - The November elections are over, so how will that impact our MN COLA Legislative Agenda? The boater operating license and wake boat restrictions remain on the table, but the changed Legislative landscape brings new opportunities and new challenges.
Continuing with our Lake Resiliency focus, our featured speakers will provide fascinating information about using drones for lake stewardship—including AIS control, algae bloom identification, and septic system evaluations. Dennis Wiand (Zerogravity Aerial) and Ron Reimink (Freshwater Solutions) will share their work and stewardship; the drone pictures and applications are absolutely remarkable. Rebecca Carlson, Resilience Resources, will review our theme of Lake Resiliency.
Please register in advance for this meeting Here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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AIS is still spreading in Minnesota
Education, awareness, personal responsibility campaigns, cleaning stations, and inspections did not stop the spread of AIS in Minnesota lakes and rivers in 2022. Here are the details.
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U of MN’s Wake Research Team
completes their on-water work for Phase II
The St. Anthony Falls Lab team prepared this update as of mid-November 2022 following completion of their on-water work for Phase II studying the propeller wash produced by common recreational motor boats found on Minnesota lakes, including wakesurf boats.
Also – this research is still underfunded, so anything that you, or your lake association, or your coalition can do to help them financially is appreciated.
Here is a link to their fundraising page.
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2023 Aquatic Invasive Species control grant program
The MN DNR's grant program will begin accepting applications at 12 a.m. (midnight) Thursday, November 10, 2022. Applications received before this time will not be accepted. The final application deadline is 9 a.m. Monday, December 12, 2022. All completed applications submitted within the one-month application period will be considered for funding. Consideration of grant applications no longer hinges on the order of applications received, as it did years ago.
The DNR has made up to $400,000 available to all local entities such as lake associations, watershed districts, cities and counties to receive state funding from the DNR for the control of curly-leaf pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil, flowering rush or starry stonewort.
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MSU’s popular “Introduction to Lakes” online course
now accepting registrations
Follow the link below to get more information and read a review of the course from Jim Kutzner, MN COLA Executive Committee member.
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| | MAISRC Outreach: Meg Duhr collects cut hybrid cattails at Big Marine Lake | |
MAISRC Newsletter: Fall 2022
The MAISRC Fall 2022 newsletter is out. These are some of the highlights:
- Starry Trek is a statewide event focused on searching for one of Minnesota's aquatic invasive species, starry stonewort. Check out the results from this annual event!
- MAISRC hosted the annual Aquatic Invasive Species Research and Management Showcase on September 21st. All presentations were recorded. You can watch a sneak peek of one presentation: “Refining copper-based treatment to suppress zebra mussel populations”, presented by Diane Waller, Angelique Dahlberg, and Matthew Barbour.
- MAISRC Researcher Julia Bohnen Receives Carol Mortensen Award
- Notes from the field with Meg Duhr
- Partner Organization: Call for Input on Invasive Species
- Staff Highlight: Alex Bajcz
Click Here to read the entire newsletter
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Starry stonewort infestation
prevented by watercraft inspector
Vigilant DNR watercraft inspectors prevented the introduction of starry stonewort to Lake Superior, which is currently not known to be infested with the harmful invasive species.
A DNR watercraft inspector saw what appeared to be grass in the motor intake of a boat whose owner approached the Agate Bay public water access to Lake Superior in Lake County. Upon closer examination, the inspector noticed the small star-shaped bulbils that indicate starry stonewort. The boat owner said the boat had been on Bowen Lake in Cass County the previous weekend. Starry stonewort was confirmed on Bowen Lake in August. The inspector used the decontamination station on site to ensure the invasive species was removed before the boat entered Lake Superior.
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2nd Tier developments discussed
at MN COLA's September Membership Meeting
Continuing on with our focus on Lake Resiliency, attorney Tim Keane discusses the impacts of 2nd Tier developments on lakes and rivers. Tim describes what they are and why you should care.
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MN COLA receives 501(c)3 tax status from the IRS
MN COLA is now officially a tax-exempt organization!
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Trying to Solve Mussel Mayhem in the Great Lakes
Here is a great article from Interlochen Public Radio in northern Michigan.
For the past three and a half decades, zebra and quagga mussels have fundamentally altered the ecology and hijacked the food web of the Great Lakes. But some of the top research scientists in our country are trying to find ways to control the far-reaching impacts of these invasive species. Commercial fishermen, who are trying to keep their businesses afloat despite the mussels, hope a solution could lead to an increase in fish populations once again, and restore a way of life.
Click Here for the whole story.
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Study: Plant-covered ponds
are source of greenhouse gases
Here is an interesting article from Kirsti Marohn of Minnesota Public Radio.
New research from the University of Minnesota finds that ponds — especially those covered by duckweed — can be a significant contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Click Here for the whole story.
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MN COLA Board of Directors
(As of June 2022)
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