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ROCKids | Show God's Love. Share God's Truth. | ROCK Resources

Multi-language Multi-media Gospel Tools | Free downloads in 90+ languages

ROCK Review | August 2023

“As you go into all the world, proclaim the gospel to everyone.”

(Mark 16:15 ISV)




As we work with God's servants worldwide to produce ROCK International's multimedia resources in many languages and in many locations, many are the stories... and prayers! This past week, we received the translation of a prayer offered to the Lord from deep in the Venezuelan rainforest. It was prayed by Lanzo, the Yanomamö believer pictured behind the mic. Knowing and feeling that he and his 3-person team were total amateurs as they faced the task to record the Yanomamö KING of GLORY audiobook, Lanzo prayed:

“Father God, you know we don’t have the foggiest idea of what we are doing, but we are doing it with our whole heart seeking to honor what you said about going into all the world. We want these lessons to go as far as possible, so we are asking for your help because really, none of us, know what we are doing. But we so want to do this.”

Amen! After this prayer, they began to record "BADA BÄLÖAMÖ CÄTÄ" (KING of GLORY). Many are the ongoing inherent challenges in their outdoor "sound studio". Michael Dawson (interviewed in Spiritual Warfare in the Amazon Jungle), describes the process:

"Alfredo (the checker) and I (audio 'technician') hung up thick blankets to try to deaden the jungle noises a bit. But since it was too hot to sit and record with the breeze blocked, we ended up taking down all but the back blanket, which is where the generator noise came from. These guys are totally dedicated to accomplishing this task."

With a bit of audio-filtering help from Dennis (one of our dedicated stateside audio technicians) the recordings are sounding great! The completed 3 to 4 hour audiobook will be added to the "Torch", the solar-rechargeable audio-player flashlights, which are being strategically given out in Yanomamö villages. Lanzo and his team have planted hundreds of these in places that can take five days to access traveling up Amazon tributaries in canoes with outboard motors. These torches, containing the Scriptures, teaching, and gospel/worship music, are used both for evangelism among those still bound by sin and evil spirits, and for the edification & equipping of believers and churches.

This Yanomamö production of the KoG picture book (done), audiobook (in process), and movie (future), is just one of many ongoing ROCK projects. For example, the Ukrainian and Yemeni productions, languages #56 and #57 of the KoG movie, are nearing their finish lines. At the start of each month, we post a Monthly Update which provides fragmentary glimpses into what we hear of God doing daily through ROCK Resources and ROCKids projects. See August report below (which actually covers July). And for some big-picture insights into ROCK Resources & ROCKids projects (in places like Niger, Senegal, and Tanzania), check out ROCK International's 2023 brochure.

We thank you in Jesus' name for your prayers and fellowship in what the Lord is doing through this simple yet complex channel called ROCK, to draw souls to Himself and equip His servants with multi-language, cross-cultural gospel and discipleship tools.


Workers together in HIM and with Him, and He through us,



We thank you in Jesus’ name for your part in making the gospel available to the world’s untold billions.

ধন্যবাদ, বাংলা ভাষায় তাওরাত, জবুর,নবীদের কিতাব,ও ইঞ্জিল কিতাবের সারমর্ম তুলে ধরবার জন্য

Can you read the above language? 

How would you feel if God’s story and message were only available in languages you don’t understand?



Watch this Episode (#16)
Watch Exodus Series
Discipleship Books & Podcasts

In our broken world, as we come to the end of summer and enter the fall season with fresh starts and opportunities, here is a podcast to refresh and challenge your soul.

ROCK International’s founder, Nate Bramsen, based in South Asia with his family and team, is several dozen podcasts into a series that has us on a journey of discovery through the book of Exodus. This episode (#16) focuses on Moses' request to God, "LORD, please send someone else!" and God's question to Moses, “What’s in YOUR hand?” (Ex. 4:13,2)

As reflected in Lanzo's prayer, we are called to be channels through which His love and truth can flow to those around us. How is it flowing?

Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow’r

Flowing through us, Thou canst use us

Every day and every hour.

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