“See, I have set before YOU an open door, and no one can shut it...”
"...and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..." (Revelation 3:8; 7:9)
Contemplating THE KING – Central Asia and Canada
No one believer can go to ALL the nations. But every follower of Christ can play a crucial role in the divine plan of missions to make the gospel accessible and understandable to souls “for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name” (Romans 1:5).
The above pics are from two homes. One is of some young men experiencing the gospel story in their heart language in one of Central Asia’s most "closed" (creative access) countries, and the inset photo on top left shows ten teenage girls in the home of Jenny, who is investing her life into reaching youth with the hope of the gospel. Here are two recent stories about God at work in each of these two regions.
Central Asia: "One of our guys smuggled in a bunch of Your Story booklets and distributed them in Afghanistan. Both Dari and Pashto. We are praying for God to use them. Our first 9 Afghani students graduated from our Bible Institute today. They are fireballs of evangelistic activity. Two days ago, we baptized 11 Afghani believers. Another group of about 15 Afghanis await baptism."
Canada: "Started a new work with youth 10 minutes north of me. The last two Friday nights, 21 teenagers have come out. Many of them watching half-hour sections of King of Glory. One of the girls asked for a Bible before she left!! One month ago she was smoking weed outside the Youth Centre.” And her sister commented, ‘At least I have something to do on a Friday night. Last Friday ten of the teenagers listened attentively to the King of Glory movie, including where Lucifer is cast out of God's presence and a third of the angels followed. The Lake of fire was also presented. Three girls who are Satan worshippers sat together and listened to the whole thing! They even answered questions later when I was throwing chocolate bars for getting the right answers. The girl who had received the Bible just sat there seemingly convicted, not knowing there was a remedy for the wages of sin until we discussed it after the movie!”
As a reminder, at the beginning of each month, ROCK International posts its Monthly Update, which provides a fragmentary glimpse into some samples of what we see God doing around the globe through ROCK Resources and ROCKids' projects. The latest update is posted below.
Workers together with God,