“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations.... Amen!”
Ephesians 3:20-21
ROCK Resources|ROCKids
Every other year, ROCK has a 3-day retreat with some of our North American colleagues.
Always a sweet and profitable time to review, strategize, praise and pray over challenges
and opportunities God is putting before us and His servants around the globe to produce and use ROCK’s multi-language multimedia tools to evangelize, disciple, and equip others to do
the same. As one fairly-new-to-ROCK attendee put it, “It’s mind boggling. The details of
the things that are being done had me in tears. It’s almost like it’s not humanly possible!”
And as Rachel (ROCK board member and visionary for the New Hope Girls’ High School in Tanzania) shared in a video she sent to the retreat: “In my time working alongside
ROCK, the Lord has been so kind to us in doing far more abundantly above all that
we have been able to ask or think. Isn’t that just how God works?”
As fuel for praise and prayer, here are a few sample quotes received in October
from God’s servants worldwide:
A stan country, Central Asia: “Last month, an Afghan graduate from our Bible Institute
went back to Afghanistan with the Gospel. Pray for his safety and that he can lead
many to faith in Christ.... We had 15 Afghani refugees place their trust in Christ this
past weekend. A great harvest is following much persecution! Yesterday I was able to
give TWOR to an Islamic teacher with whom I spent two days last year sharing Christ.”
Malaysia, Southeast Asia: “We have been broadcasting The WAY of RIGHTOUSNESS (TWOR)
radio programs from five FM stations since July 2023. We praise God for the response
and trust Him for much eternal fruit.”
India, Asia: “Thanks for your trust and prayers. Continue to pray for the distribution of
the 6000 One God One Message (OGOM) books in Hindi and Marathi. Pray this book gets
into the hands of those whose lives get transformed after reading it!”
Ethiopia, East Africa (where OGOM was recently completed in Amharic, and KoG is being translated): “We plan to use this teaching material in children and youth ministries,
Bible study groups in churches, in seminaries....”
Niger, West Africa: From the Youth Development Center: “We had a concert for the
music school this past Friday. The students played so well! Over a hundred friends,
family members, and kids from the neighborhood came. Everyone heard the Gospel
through word and song. What a night! Such an answer to prayer!”