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ROCK 2024 Review

May + June

We thank you in Jesus’ all-sufficient name for your prayers and gifts which are blessing untold millions. Following last year’s October 7th attack on Israel, God put it into our hearts to contact partners in the Middle East to see if they also had it in their hearts to translate and record KING of GLORY in Hebrew. They did.

• Up to that point, by working with partners in the Middle East and Africa, the movie had already been produced in 7 Arabic dialects and in 20 other Muslim-majority languages, but ROCK International had nothing in the Hebrew language of the “nation from which [came] the prophets, the Scriptures, and the Savior of the world.” (Quote from KING of GLORY, Scene 28 of 70)

• Amid many challenges, over 6 months, מלך הכבוד KING of GLORY in Hebrew was translated, recorded, dubbed, field-tested, and then released on April 23rd, KoG’s 60th language. One special touch is the background music with the end credits, played and sung by Joshua Aaron, who gave us rights to use his Hebrew rendition of "How Great is Our God (Gadol Elohai)."

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But the word of God grew and multiplied... and prevailed (Acts 12:24; 19:20). The book of The Acts has been called “The Unfinished Work of Christ.”

• For all of us who rest and rejoice in Christ’s finished work at the cross and empty tomb, our Lord continues to work in, thru, and with us as He causes His word to grow, multiply, and prevail. Daily. Here are a few stories of His Word and Spirit at work in the most unlikely of places.

• Grow. Central Asia. Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban in 2021 produced millions of refugees. We hear regularly of God’s work among Afghan refugees in the surrounding “stan-lands.” A recent text reports: “Big praise, we had 10 more Afghans come to faith in Jesus Christ this week and they were all in church services today. The family grows! ... pray for the believers to stand strong amid the storms and that God would be glorified.”

• Multiply. South America (where KING of GLORY has 8 million+ views on YouTube in Spanish and Portuguese). Do you remember the interview Spiritual Warfare in the Amazon Jungle we released in 2021?...

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