“Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored,
as happened among you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Dr. Rachel reports: “In May, I had the opportunity to bring students and friends to Tanzania from Samford University to the Tumaini Jipya {New Hope} Girls’ Secondary {Boarding} School. We engaged with the girls through Bible studies, games,
arts and crafts, while teaching local girls hygiene and safety. We also hosted a two-day conference for local women studying 1 John. Our prayers for Tumaini Jipya to serve both educational and ministry purposes are being beautifully answered!
“At this same time, the students took a major exam alongside three other schools in the
area. Out of all the students taking the exams, Tumaini Jipya had 7 out of 10 top performers
in Form 2 (2nd year students) and 6 of 10 top performers in Form 1! The girls have a sweet community and enjoy being together. All are learning to garden and raise chickens – projects that add nutrition to the girls’ diet and a small income for the school. We thank God too for
His provision of sufficient funds to start Phase 1 of the teacher housing construction: the foundation, framework, and roof. Thank you for your prayers and share in this.”
Meanwhile in Niger, terrorists are creating much suffering, displaced peoples, and
increased poverty – and opportunities for believers to show Christ’s compassion. As the
Lord provides, ROCK has been a channel to help believers help displaced peoples with agricultural projects to provide for them a food source in the coming harvest. Another
hard place where designated gifts can be invested for the gospel is in gang-invaded Haiti where ROCK's chronological movie is shown regularly in hard places. (NOTE to give a project like this, you can write on the Comment line what you want to designate your gift for, such as "Haiti" or "Haiti Film showings.")
ROCK Resources
Endless are the opportunities to equip the saved to reach the lost. For example, a few
days ago ROCK shipped 7 cases of multi-language gospel tools to church leaders in
New York City, who are in a church located among West African migrants.
Last week, 75 Senegalese attended a community meal hosted by that church.
The local imam was angry, “Why did you attend the church?” Their answer?
“They gave us a meal.” An open door.
August 15th marks 3 years since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. In one border-country, many Afghan refugees are being transformed by the gospel as local believers share
with them Christ’s love (in practical ways) and truth (often using ROCK’s Afghan-language gospel tools). Authorities are increasingly arresting and beating many of these former
Muslims, accusing them of proselytizing – and threatening their families with deportation.
Two of the persecutors, talking in a hallway, were overheard speaking of a Christian
who was severely beaten, “How can he endure this? What he believes is REAL.”
The Word of the Lord is being honored.