"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new."
2 Corinthians 5:17
Last weekend, ROCK International collaborated with Teens For Christ RWANDA
as over 10,000 youth gathered (despite having to come in pouring rain) at the ULK
Stadium in Kigali to be challenged from God’s Word. The subject was “Identity.”
Nate (ROCK’s founder) was one of two speakers. God powerfully worked in young lives.
Pray for the local team who will follow up with the hundreds who made
decisions to follow Christ.
Thank you too for your continuing support for the ongoing works in
Senegal,Niger, Haiti, South Asia,Tanzania, etc. where the Word of the Lord is being
planted in countless ways. At the New Hope Girls’ Secondary School on the island
in Lake Victoria, as God provides, the goal is to have the teacher housing ready
to move into by January 2025, in time for the trauma/biblical worldview
training for teachers and staff.
ROCK Resources
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in
all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written,
“He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor...”
2 Corinthians 9:8-9
We who work thru the ROCK “channel” often remind ourselves: “ROCK is
distribution-driven, not profit-driven.” In Jesus’ all-sufficient name, we thank you
for your part in facilitating this rock-bottom principle related to ROCK’s multimedia,
multi-language gospel and discipleship tools. If people and ministries can pay
for the materials they need, great – and if they can’t, God still provides “all things at
all times” according to His will. This He did last month, making it possible for ROCK
to arrange for the printing and shipping of 45,000 KING of GLORY picture books,
in Pidgin and English, to equip the Lord’s servants to “distribute freely” in public
schools, towns, and tribes for the spread of an understood gospel
throughout PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
Based on that same “distribution-driven” principle – Samson, a gifted translator/
servant of God in INDIA, with whom we have worked on 4 language-projects
over the past few years, has arranged for ROCK to have printed 6000
ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE books in Hindi and Marathi. He recently sent to us a
long list of places where he plans to distribute these books – such as in 4 prisons,
11 old age homes, 2 Bible colleges, some Hindi-speaking churches, a Christian
international ministry that focuses on reaching Muslims and Hindus. Samson wrote: “Considering the effort we’ve invested in translating and publishing OGOM, which I’ve
read at least 25 times, I aim to ensure that it reaches those who will engage with
its message meaningfully. I pray it transforms lives.”